Chapter 15: Seeing My Dad

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(Luna's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open seeing I'm still on the couch cuddled against Leo and Ezra. I smiled tiredly as I looked seeing the sun rising from outside. I sighed and yawned as I looked seeing I was ontop of Leo and Ezra was curled around both me and Leonard somehow.

I giggled and smiled tiredly as I pet his soft fur and let out a long sigh while snuggling against Leo. His chest rose and fell calmly which made me smile as I carefully got up making sure not to wake up both my boys.

I couldn't help but giggle as I snatched some cute pics of Leo and Ezra together which made it so hard not to squeal. I grabbed my crutches and quietly walked to the kitchen and let out tiny squeals and brewed some coffee.

I heard chuckling which made me look seeing Mick, Leo and Ezra were awake. I giggled and smiled as I put my crutches aside and crouched down a bit "Come here boy" I said calling to Ezra. He meowed and came over to me which made me giggle as I groaned and struggle to pick him up "You are a big boy aren't ya?" I asked,

He meowed which made me giggle and smile as I pet and kissed his fur and set him down as Leo made sure he had food and water, "morning Boys" I said, they just chuckled "What noise did you just make earlier?" Mick asked, I smiled and blushed shyly as I waved them over since I couldn't really walk still.

They came over as I showed them the picture I took "You guys are too cute and I was trying so hard not to squeal at the sight of it so I came in here and squealed instead" I said, the boys chuckled "you're too cute" Leonard said as he kissed my cheek which made me blush and smile shyly "How are you feeling kid?" Mick asked,

I smiled "good. Not so much in pain anymore so" I said and shrugged as I grabbed mugs for me, Leo and Mick. They smiled softly as I handed them their mugs which made them thank me "Well it's good you're feeling better Sweetheart" Leo said as he kissed my head, I smiled softly and nodded as I sipped my coffee and looked at Ezra who ate his breakfast happily.

It was quiet for a moment till my phone went off, I furrowed my eyebrows as I checked to see it was Barry, I smiled softly, ''Hey barr barr what's up?" I asked, ''Hey Luna, I'm going to see dad today, thought you might want to come?" he asked, I smiled "of course I wanna come, are you crazy or something?" I asked with a chuckle.

Barry chuckled ''Yea a little'' He said, I just smiled ''Can I bring Leo?" I asked, I heard Barry sigh ''I guess so'' He said, I fist pumped in the air ''Yes. Okay what time?'' I asked, "Noon" he said, I just smiled "okay me and Leo will be there at noon'' I said, ''Okay see you then bye'' He said, ''bye'' and with that I ended the call and smiled softly,

Leonard glared at me ''Where are we going, that you're dragging me to?" Leo asked tilting his head a bit, ''I get to see my dad today and you're coming with'' I said with a smile, Leo rolled his eyes which made me smile as I sipped my coffee "you seem awfully happy" Mick noticed.

I shrugged "I mean I'm just happy. I have you guys, I have Ezra, I'm fixing things with Barry and I get to see my father, I mean I don't know, I just feel better" I said and looked at Ezra who rubbed against both Mick and Leo which made me smile and giggle a little.

Leonard wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his forehead against mine "well, I'm glad you're feeling better" he said, I smiled and nodded which made him smile as he leaned down and gentle pressed his lips against mine making me smile and kiss back.

The kiss was soft, lingering and passionate...I could literally kiss him till I die, that's how much I loved kissing him. He pulled away gently making me scrunch up my nose a bit "I love you Leo" I said, he smirked "I love you too" he said and kissed my nose which made me giggle as we all made some breakfast, sat down and ate.

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