Chapter 21: Happiness

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(Luna's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to the sun shining thru my bedroom window...well Leonard's bedroom window anyways. I sighed and as I looked see a sleeping Leo next to me which made me smile shyly as I checked my phone to see it was 8am. I smiled and blushed remembering the terms of last night which made me bite my lip shyly.

I sighed as I carefully and quietly hopped out of bed stretching and yawning. I winced a bit and rolled my eyes a little...guess I'm still sore. I shook my head and smiled as I put on one of Leos shirts and quietly headed out of Leo's room and headed to the kitchen seeing Mick with coffee money and his gun,

He looked at me and smirked ''Well well Morning Kid sleep well?" he asked, I just blushed and rolled my eyes as I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat by Mick, "I did, how about you?" I asked, he groaned ''You two were a bit...Loud last night so not well'' he stated, I just blushed and giggled ''Sorry'' I said scratching the back of my neck with embarrassment, he just chuckled and rolled his eyes and went back to tinkering with his gun.

A few minutes later, Leonard came down with his sweats on as I stood up a faced him ''Morning Leo'' I said blushing and smiling, he smiled tiredly ''Morning Sweetheart" he said, I smiled shyly as I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist, ''I love you Leo'' I whispered,

He smiled softly ''I love you too'' He said as he gently leaned down and pressed his lips against mine which made me smile as I kissed back. It was short but still sweet and passionate, Mick groaned ''Get a room you too and keep the noise down'' Mick said with a low growl,

I just blushed and hid my face in Leo's chest as he smirked and chuckled, ''I'm so happy'' I said, ''I'm happy that you're happy'' he said as he kissed me again which made me smile and kiss back...I'm gonna say it again I'm so very happy the happiest that I have been in so long.

I have an amazing boyfriend, amazing friends my dad is out of jail I finally got everything sad and depressing off me and now all the broken pieces of my heart are slowly being repaired by the ones I love.

I couldn't be any happier and I hope it's stays that way forever cause now I'm slowly starting to move on and actually get better and to spend time with my boyfriend Leonard Snart and my friends Mick Rory, Cisco Ramon, Caitlyn Snow and Doctors Wells.

I have my life back, I have my family, I have everything I could ever have and I'm so very happy for the first time in ever...I am happy I can't wait to see what the future holds for me and everyone.


(511 Words)

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