Chapter 5: Leonard Snart?

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(Luna's Pov)

After my depressive state yesterday, I managed to just stay in bed all day till I woke up the next day to my alarm. I had a little more energy then I did so I decided to go to work because i'd rather not have moments like that happen again. I sighed as I turned off my alarm and sat up groggily...I yawned as I hopped out of bed stretching and yawning but felt a stinging sensation through my wrist.

I sighed seeing both wrists bandaged up which made me sigh as I headed to my bathroom to check on them. I turned on the hot water and unraveled the bandages seeing dried blood, redness and jagged cuts. I sighed as I put my fists under the water and bit my lip hard containing the screaming I wanted to let out.

I breathed heavily as I wiped off the dried blood and gently dried them off. I sighed and wrapped new bandages around them and headed out of my room to change and get ready for work. I sighed as I hopped out of my pj's and into black jeans and a sweater that was my mothers.

I brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun, slid on my shoes and headed out of my room and downstairs seeing the others. They looked at me and smiled sympathetically "Morning sis" Barry said with a hug, my heart started to race a bit...what the hell is this?

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion "uh morning" I said, "How'd you sleep?" Joe asked, "fine, gotta work bye" I said and left before anyone could ask me whatever the fuck that was about. I sighed and shook my head as I took a deep breath and headed off to work.

I managed to drown out all the craziness by being in my head which isn't a good thing but when is anything I do a good thing? When I got to work, I walked in and headed behind the counter. My co-workers asked if I was fine which I wasn't but I wasn't going to tell them that so I said I was and put on my apron and made sure the shop was open for business.

My co-workers made me make the coffees instead of front counter because they said I look miserable so thanks for that but didn't matter anyways. I made myself some coffee while people came and went and ordered coffee and pastries...I didn't bother to care about anything anymore...everything was just so grey...the people, nature, the world...nothing is beautiful anymore...just so grey and empty...

(A Few Hours Later)

My co-workers told me I'd be closing up which was fine since I was due for overtime anyways for staying 2 days from work. When they left it was around 8pm. I sighed as I started to get this place cleaned up. I had to wash counters and tables, the machines, sweep the floor, pick up any garbage or take the garbage out which took me a while to do because I'm so slow now and just ran out of energy that it just took me a while because I'm simply at my breaking point.

After I finished, I sighed and closed up the shop but not before making myself another cup of coffee because why not? After I locked up, I just wanted to go home, lie in my bed and sleep to forget about everything. I let out a big sigh as I looked around seeing nothing and hearing nothing...this is what my everday looked like...just dark, quiet and empty...I sipped my coffee and sighed as I started walking home. I took a few deep breaths and looked down at my feet, until I collided into something or someone.

I fell back a few steps and rubbed my head as I look up to see I bumped into a person "Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I said quietly apologizing as I looked at the floor again "No need it's fine" The man said, I just nodded as I was about to walk away before he said something again, "So, don't I get to know the girl's name who bumped into me?" He asked leaning against a light pole with a small smirk on his face. 

I looked up at him to see he was quite handsome...shaven head, tall, broad looking, bright blue/green eyes, quite devilish in the face but still pretty cute. I blushed shyly "Oh I uh I'm Luna" I said nervously because I'm not used to people talking to me really so this was strange and I didn't really know how I feel about it "Luna that's a pretty name" He said smirking at me, I smiled and blushed a bit ''Th-thank you'' I said shyly,

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