Chapter 20: You're Beautiful (SMUT)

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(This is a Smut chapter if you don't like smut skip it, but enjoy also I felt so fucking awkward writing this please don't judge!)

(Luna's Pov)

After telling everything to Joe, Iris and dad, it was around midnight when me and Leonard got home. I had an amazing time and even tho telling Dad, Joe and Iris about everything wasn't on my agenda, it felt good to get everything out and I never felt more relived and better.

When we got home, Mick was sleeping and for a split second I forgot about the surprise from Leo which was very very nervous about. When we walked inside, Leo grabbed onto my waist and pushed me against the wall which made me gasp...welp this was sudden ''I told you Love I had something planned'' he whispered with a smirk as my heart pounded out of my chest.

He kissed my lips hungrily and gripped onto my waist which made me wrap my arms around his shoulders as his hands went down to my butt ''Jump'' he whispered, I jumped up a bit and wrapped my legs around his waist as he held me up but my butt.

He took us upstairs and to his room as he kicked the door behind him and gently laid me down on the bed, Leonard took off his parka jacket and shirt and hovered over me. He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine again and swiped his tongue along my bottom lip.

I smiled and opened as he stuck his tongue in my mouth and explored my mouth which made me whimper a little. Leonard kissed down my neck which made me giggle ''Leo that tickles'' I said in between heavy breaths, he just chuckled and smirked as he kissed down my collarbones which made me moan a little.

He chuckled and looked at me eyes full of lust as he ran his hands down my sides and lifted my shirt up over my head and threw it across the room. He kissed down my body and kissed the remaining scars and cuts I made which made me smiled softly. Leonard ran his cold hands down my sides to my skirt and fishnets and slid them down my legs and onto the floor.

My heart pounded out of my chest, I was so nervous for this and Leonard seemed to have sensed it as he kissed my forehead and lips gently and lovingly ''I love you. You're so beautiful Sweetheart" He whispered, I just smiled and blushed ''I-I love you too'' I said rubbing my hands down his cold broad chest.

Leo kissed my lips again and kissed around my ear and neck sucking, biting, and licking, I moaned and whimpered ''L-Leo'' I moaned out. Leonard ran his hands behind me and unclipped my bra and threw it with the rest of our clothes. I ran my hands down his chest to his jeans and helped unbutton them as he smirked and took them off as we were both in our underwear.

Leonard kissed down to the valley of my breasts and attached his mouth to one of my nipples as his mouth was cold. He squeezed my other breast which sent a wave of pleasure thru my whole body ''L-Leo'' I moaned as I arched my back.

Leo smirked as he kissed down my body getting closer to my core as I gripped onto the sheets and whimpered ''L-Leo please" I whispered, he smirked ''I'm not done playing with you yet Sweetheart'' he said smirking. He ran his hands down my body as I shivered due to his cold hands, he looped his fingers around my underwear and slid them down my legs.

He smiled at me ''You are beautiful'' He said, I blushed and smiled shyly. He kissed my ankle and started kissing up to my leg, then to my thigh kissing at every scar and cut I made on my body which almost made me cry if I wasn't so turned on right now.

He spread my legs open with his cold hands as he kissed closer and closer to my core, his breath was a mixture of warm and cold due to his lips being cold. He kissed my clit which made me moan and grip onto the bed sheets.

Leo gripped onto my waist and held me to the bed as Leo licked and sucked at my clit which made me moan like there's no tomorrow ''mm so wet and sweet'' He whispered which made me whimper. Leo ran his hand up my and down my body tracing every scar, cut and bruise as he rubbed my clit with his fingers which made me moan more ''Leo p-please'' I stuttered,

He just chuckled and smirked as he slid 2 fingers in me making me moan more "Sweetheart you're so tight'' he said pumping his fingers in and out of my core as waves of pleasure ran thru my body. I felt a pit in my stomach but it went away as Leo took out his fingers and hovered over me ''Can't let you come yet when i'm not inside of you'' he smirked,

I took a few deep breaths as he kissed me again passionately ''Ready sweetheart?" he asked, I just smiled and nodded as he took off his boxers, reached for a condom from his drawer and slid it on his dick. He pressed his tip against my throbbing core, ''You okay?" he asked, I just smiled and nodded as he pushed in a little. I bit my lip and gripped Leo's shoulders as he waited for me to get used to his size.

I just nodded as he pushed in more making my walls clenched against his dick as he stretched me out. Leo pecked my lips and pushed all the way in which made me moan and whimper ''Leo'' I moaned, he smirked as he started pushing in and out of me making moan louder, ''Leonard please more'' I moaned out,

He chuckled as he held onto my hips and kept thrusting in and out of me making us both moan and groan ''Sweetheart you're so tight'' he whispered as he went back to kissing my neck. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he pushed in deeper ''OH Leo!" I shouted as I scratched at his back feeling a pit in my stomach ''Leo i-i'm s-so close'' I whispered, ''Me too love me too" he said as he thrust a bit more.

I screamed his name and finally climaxed which I felt run down my numb legs. I breathed heavily as a few more thrusts Leonard came into the condom. We both breathed heavily as my heart pounded against my chest, he slid out of me and threw the condom away and cleaned me up a bit,

I blushed and smiled shyly ''That was one hell of a surprise'' I said, Leonard chuckled and smirked as he kissed my head and wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close ''I love you Luna'' He whispered, ''I love you too'' I said smiling as I snuggled against his bare chest and fluttered my eyes closed and fell asleep.


(2000 Words)

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