Chapter 19: Dinner Party

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(Luna's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open seeing I was in bed without Leo next to me which made me pout a bit. I sighed as the sun shined thru the bedroom window which made me take a deep breath and pet Ezra who meowed in my face to wake me up.

I giggled and smiled as I sat up and rubbed my face tiredly. I looked at the time seeing it was almost noon which made my eyes widen "Wow I must have been exhausted huh boy?" I asked, he meowed which made me giggle as I pet his soft fur and pampered his face with kisses.

I slowly hopped out of bed stretched and yawning. I realized I was standing on 2 feet now which made me gasp as I cracked my stiff and sore muscles and started to walk around. I giggled and smiled "yay. All healed" I said, Ezra meowed which made me giggle as we headed out of Leo's room and downstairs to the kitchen seeing Mick and Leo talking and drinking coffee.

They looked at me and smiled ''Hey you're finally awake'' Leo joked, I smiled and rolled my eyes as I grabbed a mug and poured myself a cup of coffee, ''How'd you sleep?" Mick asked, "Good. Very good actually" I said sighing ''That's good'' He said,

I smiled and nodded as Leo kissed my head, "I see you took off your casts'' Leo pointed out, I smiled softly ''Yep all healed and better'' I said proudly, Leonard chuckled and smirked ''Good cause I have something planned for tonight'' He whispered which made me blush and realized that he did say that he had something special for me when I got out of them which made me super anxious and embarrassed.

It was silent for a few minutes until my phone went off which snapped me from my thoughts, I grabbed my phone to see who it was which it was Barry ''hey Barr Barr what's up?" I asked with a small smile ''Hey Luna how are you feeling?" He asked,

I sighed a bit ''I feel good. I finally took my casts off'' I said with relief, Barry chuckled ''That's good. So listen we're having a dinner party tonight at STAR Labs and I was wondering if you wanted to come?'' He asked, I thought for a moment and looked at Leo and Mick who looked at me cautiously ''Uh can I bring Leo and Mick?" I asked,

Barry sighed ''Sure and also there's someone special that's gonna be there'' He said, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, ''Okay? What time should we be there?" I asked, ''5pm'' He said, I smiled softly ''Okay see you then'' I said, ''Yea oh and Luna?" He asked, ''Yes Barry?" I said, ''I love you'' he said, I just smiled ''I love you too'' I said and hung up.

The boys just stared at me with confused smirks ''What?" I asked shrugging my shoulders a bit, they just chuckled and shook their heads, ''Anyways there's a party STAR Labs tonight and you guys are welcomed to come if you like'' I said, ''Sure'' Leo said, ''Micky?" I asked, ''Nah i'll stay here and pick up a bit, you lovebirds go have fun'' He said with a small smirk,

I just smiled and nodded "Alrighty well we still got a couple hours but Barry also said that someone special is coming over I wonder who?" I asked, the boys just chuckled which made me giggle and smile as I spent my time with my boys till it was time to leave.

(Barry's Pov) (PLOT TWIST)

Welp...I deserve an award for the shittiest brother alive because that's who I am...I can't believe I hurt my baby sister and broke dad's promise...I've just been so caught up with work and all these Meta's and trying to hard not to tell Luna who I was that it completely took over my life to where Luna had no one...she was struggling so much which I failed to see that she turned to hurting herself to make it all go away...How could I be so blind and stupid? How could I not know that my sister was drowning right in front of me and yet I was too stupid and self-fish to even realize it...

When she bailed on me from hanging out, I had no idea what to do or what to think...I couldn't sleep that night as I lied awake thinking of all Luna said and she's right...she's so right...I was blind, stupid, dumb and selfish...I broke my sister and no older brother should do that...

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