Chapter 10: Captured by Tony Woodward

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(Luna's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to the sound of my phone alarm going off. I sighed and groaned as I hit the snooze button and saw it was 7am meaning I have work. I rolled my eyes and looked seeing Leonard by me, his arms were wrapped around my waist which made me blush and smile tiredly.

I carefully untangled myself from Leonard and headed to the dresser to get dressed. I hopped out of my pj's which was just one of Leo's shirts because I didn't have to hide my scars anymore and Leo didn't want me to hide them anyways so why not just accept them?

I sighed as I looked over at Leonard who was stirring in his sleep, it might be because I'm awake and not besides him. I smiled softly and picked out navy blue jeans with a regular grey top and a jean jacket to top it off. I heard Leonard chuckle which made my eyes widen a bit. I turned seeing Leo awake which made my face flush because I was still in my underwear and bra ''Well this was a good morning to wake up to'' he said smirking, I blushed with embarrassment and huffed as I turned away from him.

He chuckled as he hopped out of bed and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and kissed my head which made me blush and smile "Sleep well?" he asked, I smiled and nodded "always" I whispered, he smiled and nodded as he gently ran his cold fingers along the scars on my stomach and thighs which made me shiver a little.

He chuckled and pampered my cheek, under my ear and neck with kisses making me blush, smile and giggle "Leo. I have to get ready for work" I said, he sighed ''Do you really have to go to work today?" he asked pouting as he put his head on my shoulder,

I smiled and rolled my eyes ''Yes I will be back later because I have to stop by Joe's to talk to him" I said, ''But that's too long'' he said pouting, I just chuckled ''i'll be back before you know it. Don't get into any trouble while i'm gone'' I said sternly, he smirked ''Awe where's the fun in that?'' he asked, I smiled and rolled my eyes ''Just try not to get thrown in jail'' I said with a sigh ''No promises'' He said smirking still,

I smiled and rolled my eyes and looked at the time, ''Okay I have to go i'm almost late'' I said trying to get out of Leonard's grasp but he was too strong ''No stay'' he said kissing my cheek which made me smile and giggle ''I can't at least not today'' I said trying to be serious with him, Leonard only smirked at me as he slowly kissed down my neck.

I knew and saw his little plan as I bit my lip slightly, I tried to escape but I couldn't ''Leonard you're gonna make me late for work'' I said pouting ''That's the plan'' He said evilly smirking as he kissed my neck again, I sighed and rolled my eyes ''Fine i'll take a sick day but you are driving me to Joe's later'' I said trying to be mad at him but it was really hard to,

Leonard just smirked knowing he won ''deal'' he said, I just rolled my eyes and sighed as I called in sick ''You're lucky I like you'' I said glaring at him, he glared back and smirked which made me sigh ''So what now?" I asked sighing as I set my clothes on the dresser for tomorrow,

Leonard yawned ''Well its only 8am and i'm tired lets go back to sleep'' He said, I sighed and rolled my eyes as Leonard basically pulled me into bed and yet I was still only wearing my bra and underwear...awkward...I chuckled as he pulled me close to him. I sighed as I started feeling tired again so I soon enough I fluttered my eyes closed and fell asleep.

(A few Hours Later)

I fluttered my eyes open seeing I was still tangled with Leonard on his bed. I blushed and smiled tiredly as I looked at the time to see it was 11am. I sighed and groaned as I sat up slightly trying not to wake Leonard. I carefully got up and put on my clothes I was going to wear for work and quietly headed out of his room and downstairs to the kitchen greeted by Mick who was eating and drinking coffee, ''Oh morning kid, I thought you had to work today" Mick said with confusion.

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