Chapter 16: Hanging with The Bro

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(Luna's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to the sun shining thru Leo's bedroom window, I sighed and groaned as I turned the other way just wanting to go back to sleep but knowing me, that'll never happen. I sighed and looked seeing I was face to face with a sleeping Leo which made me smile tiredly.

His arms were wrapped around my waist as our legs were tangled with one another. I smiled as I slowly untangled myself from Leo and Ezra carefully got up and quietly headed out of his room and downstairs to the kitchen to make coffee.

A few minutes later Leo came down rubbing his eyes tiredly along with Ezra who stretched which made me smile and giggle softly ''Morning Leo and good morning Ezra'' I said smiling as I pet my big boy kitty, Leo smiled ''Morning how are you feeling?" He asked, I took a deep breath ''I'm feeling Okay. The bruises seem to all healed, my chest doesn't hurt and I can feel my wrist and leg getting better too'' I said with a smile of relief cause casts suck.

Leo chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind as he kissed my head, ''That's good because I got something planned when you get out of those casts" he whispered in my ear which sent shivers down my spine. My eyes widen as I blushed furiously and bit my lip ''I love it when you blush'' He whispered again which made me shiver as my heart pounded and stomach churned.

Leo chuckled as he grabbed a mug and poured himself a cup of coffee and leaned against the what the hell did he mean by that? It's something sexual isn't it? Oh god...what the hell am I supposed to do? Just wait? I groaned and shook my head which made Leo chuckle. I just glared at him.

He chuckled as he walked over to me and set our coffee's down. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his forehead against mine which made me smile softly "I love you Leo" I said, he smirked a bit "I love you too Luna" He said as he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. I smiled as I kissed back, the kiss was slow and passionate just like it always is.

I wrapped my arms around his neck which made him smirk and moved his hands lower down to my butt. I blushed furiously as he squeezed it gently which made me whimper and squeeze his arms and shoulders.

A few minutes later, we pulled away due to oxygen and our hands were still in the same place ''Wow'' I whispered as we were panting a little bit...welp...he's definitely not hesitating now on the intimacy...Leo smirked and walked away putting our mugs in the sink and made us some breakfast while I stayed there all hot and bothered with my face as red as a tomato.

I was snapped from my dazed self by my phone going off which made me blink a few times and answer to see it was Barry "Hey Barr Barr" I said, "Morning Luna, how are you?" he asked, I just smiled and bit my lip a bit "I'm good how about you?" I asked, Barry sighed a bit "I'm doing good as well" he said,

I just smiled "that's good. So what's up?" I asked, "I wanted to let you know that I'm on my way to come pick you up. It'll be a while tho but I'm taking you to Star Labs for a check up then we'll hang out yea?" He asked,

I smiled "Sounds good" I said "Okay, then I'll see you later" he said, "later" I said and hung up which made Leo smirk and roll his eyes a bit. I pushed his shoulder which made him smirk as he finished up breakfast which was delicious.

After breakfast, I needed a shower and of course you know Leo. He carried me to the bathroom, set me on the edge of the sink and started up the shower. Leo carefully helped me remove my clothes and his clothes as we both hopped in.

I let out a small sig as the hot water felt nice. I hissed tho when it hit my scars but that means it would heal. Leo gently rubbed the scars which made me smile sadly. Leo brought my wrist up and gently kissed it which made me smile softly "I love you Leo" I said, he smiled "I love you too Sweetheart" he said which made me smile as he helped me shower since I have no working leg or arm and still a little damaged so...

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