Chapter 9: The Truth Comes Out

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(Luna's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to see I'm still on the couch. I looked around seeing I'm basically ontop of Leo which made my eyes widen and face flush. He was lying on his back on the couch with me between his legs and my head on his torso.

I blushed and smiled shyly as I carefully and quietly got off him and headed to the kitchen to brew some coffee. I looked at the time seeing it was 7am which made smile tiredly and yawn...I couldn't help but sigh as I looked at my covered wrists and looked around making sure no one was around.

I slowly lifted up the long sleeves that revealed the guilty pleasure that is of my self-harming. White and pink scars etched my skin which made me sigh as I gently ran my fingers across them and sighed "Luna?" I heard Leonard ask, I gasped and quickly pulled down my exposed wrists hopefully before Leonard saw it.

I hid my arms behind my back as my heart started to race "O-Oh h-hey morning Leo" I stuttered nervously, Leonard furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "what are you doing so early up?" he asked, I sighed a bit "o-oh just woke up early is all" I said nervously.

Leonard nodded which made me nod as I grabbed a mug and poured myself a cup of coffee. Leonard did the same as we sat at the kitchen table "How'd you sleep?" Leonard asked, my eyes widen and face flushed as I thought back to this morning "Uh g-good how about you?" I asked, Leonard smirked "Good as can be" he said,

I just nodded and sipped my coffee and thought about a few minutes I just tell him? I'm sure he's curious now that I had to hide my wrist and stutter...he knows I'm lying, how can he not? Criminals surely know when someone's lying...I just...I'm so scared that he'll leave me...I know he said that nothing I did or do will change anything but he doesn't exactly know what I do and that scares me...I never told anyone about this and I don't know what to do...I don't know how he's going to react...

I shook my head and sighed as I put my head on my hands "Luna? Are you okay?" Leonard asked, I felt my eyes swell up with tears "Not really" I said, Leo furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "What's wrong?" he asked, I sighed anxiously and bounced my leg a bit "I-I wanna tell you something b-but I'm scared on how you're going to react...I-I don't want you to hate me or leave me for it" I said as I felt tears fall from my face.

Leo frowned as he sat next to me and cupped my cheeks and wiped the tears away "Luna. Remember what I told you yesterday? No matter what you do or did won't change how I feel about you. I'm a criminal, you can't get rid of me that easily" he said with a small smirk. I giggled a little and nodded "I'm just scared of how you're going to react" I whispered and sniffled a little. 

Leo sighed "you won't know unless you show me" He whispered, I sighed and nodded "When I told you about my life. There was a big part I left out...D-during those times in school when I got bullied and Barry left hurt...a lot...when I would sleep, I'd often have nightmares that were so bad that I'd wake up having panic attacks...of course I-I couldn't tell anyone because I didn't want to worry them and I felt like no one cared so...w-when I was 13...I-I started to hurt myself...self-harming originally" I explained as I swallowed the lump in my throat as more tears fell from my face.

Leonard didn't say anything but listened "L-Life was just too hard...I-I lost everyone I ever loved and cared about, Barry left me and I just felt so lost and alone th-that the only way to f-feel something or the only way to not feel something was to cut myself and I still do it from time to time a-and yea...T-that's why I was so jumpy this morning a-and I'm sorry Leo...I'm sorry" I said and shook my head as I looked down feeling guilty and ashamed.

Leo cupped my cheeks again and made me look at him. He stared into my eyes and gently pressed his lips against mine. I smiled softly and kissed back which made him smirk a bit. The kiss was short but super sweet and passionate. He pulled away and wiped the tears from my cheeks "you don't have to apologize for what you did to cope. You were in pain and alone and that's how you got through it...But you have me now and Mick and you will never be alone again so if you ever have the urge to hurt yourself, please tell me so I can help okay?" he asked sternly.

I just nodded which made him nod "Can I see?" he asked, I sighed and nodded as I held up my wrists to him. He gently held the back of my hands and lifted up the sleeves past my elbows seeing the scars etched there. He sighed as he gently ran his fingers across them which made me flinch a bit "did I hurt you?" he asked softly with concern,

I shook my head "your hands are really cold" I said, he chuckled and rolled his eyes which made me smile a little "When was your recent?" he asked, "few weeks ago" I said, Leo nodded "are they just here?" he asked, I shook my head "Stomach and thighs too just not as much as my wrists and arms" I whispered, Leo nodded and pressed his forehead against mine "it's okay" he whispered,

I sighed a bit and nodded which made him smile as he gently brought my wrists up and gently kissed the scars that etched my skin. My heart and stomach fluttered as more tears welled up in my eyes. Leo smiled as he cupped my cheek and wiped them away "thank you Leo" I whispered, he smiled with confusion "for what?" He asked, "not giving up on me" I said, he smiled softly "Only for you little Allen will I never give up on you" he said and pampered my face with kisses making me giggle and smile "you know, for a cold-hearted criminal, you sure are sweet" I said,

He rolled his eyes "don't let that get to your head Allen" He said, I giggled "too late" I said, he smiled and rolled his eyes "Do you want to do anything today?" he asked, I sighed "well since I'll be staying here a while and don't wanna go home let's go shopping" I said, Leo chuckled "Sure thing Sweetheart" he said, my eyes widen and face flushed which made him smirk as we finished our coffee's and went to get dressed. 

I grabbed some clothes from my bag and headed to the bathroom to change. I hopped out of my pj's and into regular navy blue jeans with a regular grey loose top and a red and navy blue flannel cover up. I brushed my hair and put on a beanie and slid on my shoes. I grabbed my purse and waited for Leo to get ready.

After a few minutes, Leo came down wearing jeans and a nice t-shirt. I couldn't help but smile "you look great" I said, Leo smirked "I could say the same" he said, I blushed and smiled as me and Leo headed out of the house and to Leo's motorcycle. Leonard put his helmet on me which made me chuckle a bit "Was Mick awake after you finished getting dressed?" I asked, Leo shook his head "Nope. Mick's dead asleep" He said, I chuckled as we hopped on his motorcycle and headed to the mall.

When we got to the mall, Leonard parked as he helped me take his helmet off me which made me giggle as we headed inside the mall. I took a deep breath and looked around which made Leo intertwine his fingers with mine "you okay?" he asked, I just nodded "let's get some caffeine before we explore" I said, Leonard chuckled as we headed to the café and got some coffee then started to explore the mall. I wanted to get more books of course and just anything else I find interesting...I guess now that I'm living with the boys for the time being, I might as well make it my temporary home.

Leo of course wanted me to try on clothes he picked out for me which I didn't complain to...Leo liked me for me and didn't care what I looked like or what my body looks like and for that I was less insecure and was just having more fun...For once...My brain and my body and just me itself felt anxiety, no depression, no worries, no past, no problems...nothing but the present with me and Leo and I haven't felt anything like this in such a very long long time and I missed being this happy...I miss not having to be so worried or sad about things...I just missed the old me...

I let out a small sigh "what are you thinking about?" Leonard asked, I looked at him and smiled "just this...I haven't had this much fun let alone been this happy in years and it's just making me think back to all the times I had with my parents and how I'll never get anything like that again" I said and sighed a bit. Leonard kissed my head and squeezed my hand a bit "Your father may be in prison but it doesn't mean you lost him and you could always just make new happy memories" he said, I just smiled softly and nodded "guess I could" I said and shrugged as I grabbed Leo's arm and leaned against him "Are you having fun?" He asked,

I smiled and nodded which made Leo smile as we finished up shopping then headed home. Leo said I could move my things to his room since we're together now and he doesn't want me sleeping on the couch. So I moved my things to his room which was pretty blank to be honest but I didn't expect much to be honest. 

Leo moved all his clothes to his closet so I could have the dresser which was nice of him. I folded up my clothes and put them in the drawers and put my activities and such on the bookshelf or nightstand. After that me, Leo and Mick went out for lunch and from there we just talked and I couldn't be happier...this was probably the start of a new beginning for me and I was happy to spend it with my friend and new boyfriend...


(1900 Words)

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