Chapter 11: Rescued By My Captain Cold

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(Leonard's Pov)

I woke up this morning without Luna by me, I saw a note on the nightstand which made me look at it. I smiled as I got up and headed downstairs to get some coffee. Me nor Mick did much today besides tinker with our guns to make them stronger and better.

Luna came home later that night and she looked like she was about to break. I held her tightly in my arms as she cried and trembled. It pained me to see her this hurt and upset. She told me the reason why she was upset which made me sigh as I just held her close and told her things would be alright but to be honest...I'm not sure if it will.

She asked to go for a walk to clear her mind which I was down for. I grabbed my gun as we headed out and just walked around the area which we live in the middle of nowhere so it was very quiet which it seemed like Luna enjoyed.

She started to hum and quietly sing which made me smile as she had an angelic voice. So calm, sweet and smooth. After she finished singing we heard a noise from afar so we went and checked it out.

Turns out it was another criminal robbing from a bank and well you know me so I hit him in the back of my head with my gun and went up and stole his backs but Luna started to tremble once she realized who it was...It was her school bully Tony Woodward and he can turn into Metal...this was not good.

Luna was scared out of her mind so I did everything I could to protect her but I guess ice doesn't work on Metal. Leonard threw me into a wall which made Luna come up to me, I tried stayed conscious for her but I hit my head so hard I was close to passing out.

Tony came up and knocked her upside the head and threw her over his shoulders and walked off saying one thing I heard before I passed out 'I'm taking you somewhere you never forgot'

After a while, I finally regained consciousness, my head was pounding but I looked around and realized Tony took Luna and I needed to find her quick. I carefully got up and ran back to the house. When I got to the house, I panted a bit "Mick!" I shouted, he ran in the room ''Boss? What's wrong and where's Luna?" he asked, I clenched my fists a bit ''Tony Woodward took her. Come on, grab your gun we need Barry's help" I said, Mick nodded as we grabbed our guns, got on our motorcycles and drove to STAR labs.

When we got there, we ran into the building and up to the lab. Everyone's eyes were on us as they looked at us with confusion ''Snart? Rory? Why are you here?" Barry asked as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Me and Mick panted a bit as we tried to calm our breathing, ''Tony Woodward kidnapped Luna" I said,

Barry's eyes widen ''Tony Woodward was my bully in grade school until Luna stood up for me now he's her bully'' Barry said, I clenched my fists tightly...I promised she would be safe and now she's gone and I couldn't protect her...''Calm down boss we'll find her'' Mick said calming me down ''Okay how do we track this guy?" Cisco asked, ''Well the last thing he said before I was unconscious was 'i'm taking you somewhere you never forgot?'' I questioned while putting air quotes around that.

Barry furrowed his eyebrows a bit ''Somewhere where you never forgot?'' Barry whispered, ''Do you know what that means?" Cisco asked, ''I believe I do. When me and Luna were in grade school, Tony was bullying me and Luna came up and back talked him and he quit bullying me but went on to bully her. I think Tony took her to our own grade school'' Barry said as his eyes widen,

My eyes widen ''Cisco is there any way to know for sure he's there?" Caitlyn asked, ''I can hack into the school's security cameras and see what they got'' Cisco said, I went over and looked over at the computer and as Cisco hacked in.

When he did, we saw Tony carry Luna over his shoulders, ''Okay Snart, Rory you come with me and i'll meet you guys there'' Barry said, me and Mick nodded as we ran out, got on our motorcycles and headed to the school to save Luna 'please be okay Luna' I thought as I need to rescue her.

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