Chapter 14: Boyfriend Comfort

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(Luna's Pov)

I pretty much slept thru the entire night because those pain pills knocked me right out. I fluttered my eyes open groggily to the sun shining thru Leonard's bedroom window. I sighed as I turned the other way coming face to face with Leonard's bare chest.

I blushed and smiled as I admired his cute sleeping face. His mouth was parted open and he snored a little but it was cute, and he looked peaceful...he was also mine and I couldn't be happier with him...

I sighed as I put my hand on his cheek and traced his jawline and went down to his toned chest. He managed to grab my hand and flip us over so he was ontop of me which made me gasp as I was taken back by what just happened. I blinked a few times as my face flushed,

Leonard only smirked "It's not polite to stare or touch while I'm sleeping" he said, my breathing hitched as I was at a loss for words. Leonard chuckled "Cat got you tongue?" he asked, "I-I just" I tired to say but got cut off by Leonard pressing his lips against mine which made me smile and kiss back.

His lips were cold and a bit chapped but that didn't bother me as the kiss was heated, sweet and passionate. Leonard nibbled on my bottom lip and pulled away bringing it with him which made me whimper a little. He chuckled and got off me which just made me stay in the position trying to figure out what the fuck had happened.

Leonard chuckled "Why are you up at 7am? You got the next few weeks off work" Leonard asked, I just shrugged "Just woke up I guess" I said, he sighed ''Go back to sleep sweetheart'' he said, I let out a small giggle as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I blushed and smiled as I laid my head against his chest and slowly fluttered my eyes closed and fell back asleep.

(A few Hours Later)

I fluttered my eyes open to yet again the sun shining thru the bedroom window. I sighed and groaned as I looked at the time seeing it was 10am and Leo wasn't in bed with me. I pouted a bit as I carefully sat up and stretched, but slightly groaned in pain cause of my ribs still ''Ow" I said as I held onto my ribs.

A few minutes later, Leo came in with a tray of food and a cup of coffee ''Good-morning Sweetheart I made you breakfast'' He said with a small smile ''Awe thank you Leo you're so sweet'' I said blushing and smiling softly. He set the tray on my lap as he sat next to me and put on Netflix.

I blushed a little ''Thank you Leo'' I whispered kissing his cheek, he smirked and nodded ''Anything for you love'' He said, I just smiled and continued to eat and sit with Leo while watching Netflix and continued to get better.

After I finished breakfast, Leo took my tray downstairs which made me sigh as I grabbed my phone seeing texts from Joe asking how I was, I decided to give him a call, then call Barry to see when I can get these casts off.

When I called Joe, after a few seconds, he answered, "Hey pumpkin" He said, I smiled "Hey Joe" I said, "How are you feeling?" he asked, I sighed "Okay I guess" I said and shrugged a bit "how's everything?" he asked, "Okay I guess" I said again and giggled which made Joe chuckle "I hope Snart is taking care of you" he said, I smiled "He is Joe. He's treating me like a princess who just got beat up" I joked,

Joe chuckled "Okay, well if you need anything don't hesitate to call" he said, I just smiled "Okay, thanks" I said, "of course, I love you Pumpkin" He said, "I love you too" I said and ended the call then called Barry. After a few seconds he picked up, ''Hello?" Barry asked, ''Hey Barr Barr'' I said,

He chuckled a bit ''Oh hey Luna how are you feeling?" he asked, ''Ehh i'm feeling alright" I said and shrugged, "that's good, how's everything with Snart?" he asked, I sighed "Good. He's treating me well" I said, "that's good" he said, I just nodded and sighed "hey listen how much longer do I have to be in these stupid casts? I'm tired of sitting down and doing nothing all day?" I asked as I rolled my eyes,

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