Chapter 2: Just Another Day

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(Luna's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to the sound of my phone alarm going off. I sighed and groaned as I blinked a few times letting my eyes adjust to the bright light illuminating in my bedroom. I sighed as I hit the snooze button on my phone and lied in bed for a few more seconds...I am so not a morning person...Not anymore at least...

When I was little, I used to wake up to the smell of my mom's cooking...She was the greatest. I'd wake up in bed and head out of my room and to the kitchen seeing my mom cooking and my dad helping her and making jokes here and there...they'd be smiling and laughing...they were so happy...

They'd notice I was awake and smother me with all this love and affection...They did that every single morning...then we would do everything together if they didn't have work of course...but we'd go to the park, the mall, the movies, we'd watch movies at home, play games and they would read me bedtime stories...

My life was perfect with them in it and now...they're both gone and I'll never get anything like that again...I mean I'm an adult now...but still...I was a child...I screamed and cried bloody murder when me and Barry found mom...I was never the same again and my whole world fell apart...

I sighed as I sat up and rubbed my face tiredly. It was 7am meaning I have work in an hour. I work on Weekdays 8am to 9pm, sometimes I have overtime to close up or if a co-worker doesn't come in and luckily I get the weekends off which is good meaning I get quality time with Joe and maybe Barry if he isn't busy with Iris and his other friends...

I rolled my eyes and sighed as I hopped out of bed stretching and yawning. I headed to my bathroom to take a shower and get ready for today. I turned on the shower and hopped out of my pj's which were sweats and a big sweater that was my fathers. I have varieties of my mother and fathers clothes because it's all I have of them...well I can see my dad whenever mom's gone...forever...

I visit her grave as much as I can and I tell her everything...and cry a lot...but I know she's watching over me. I don't think she'd be proud of how I'm coping with things...but there's nothing else I can do...maybe besides therapy or meds but I'm not doing that, that'll just worry everyone and I don't want that...

I sighed as I looked down seeing visible white scars lining my body. That's all I see...just scars...every battle I lost between myself...every pain and nightmare just etched on my body forever...I frowned as I shook my head and hopped in letting out a small sigh as the hot water felt nice.

I took a quick and quiet shower since I only have an hour to get ready and I lose track of time sometimes. After my shower, I turned off the water, hopped out and wrapped a towel around myself. I headed back to my room, dried off and hopped in regular blue jeans and a sweat that was my mom's...still smells like her too...fresh flowers...

I frowned as I slid on my shoes, brushed my hair and teeth and headed downstairs and to the kitchen seeing Joe, Iris and Barry since they all have work in the morning and because it's Monday. Everyone looked at me and smiled "morning Pumpkin" Joe greeted, I smiled softly "Morning" I whispered, "off to work?" he asked, I just nodded and kissed his cheek bye and hugged Iris and Barry bye "will we see you at dinner?" Barry asked,

I shrugged "I'll let you know" I said, they just nodded "well have a good day at work okay?" Joe said with a reassuring smile, I just nodded as I headed out of the house with a long sigh. I normally have breakfast at work since I get discounts and well I can't be late since I really lose track of time sometimes...I just get so lost in my head that it's hard to's like a really big many twists and turns and dead ends just trying to escape...

I sighed as the bright sun beamed on my pale face and the cool breeze hit me in the face which felt good. I took a deep breath and started walking to Jitters. I do have a car and my license I just don't really have a reason to use it unless I go grocery shopping or wanna just drive for a while. Plus, it only takes about 25 minutes to walk there and it feels nice to get fresh air every once in a while.

Ya know, it's strange how this world is...I mean first we live with Metahumans...yea I said metahumans...people with abilities essentially. A year ago the particle accelerator from Dr. Harrison Wells blew up and lots of people got hit with the dark matter including Barry who was in a coma for months and that broke me and Iris to pieces...But he's fine, better and normal but I guess some people turn out to be criminals so Barry and his friends work to stop them...

But it's also strange that people can just go on living their normal lives and not have a care in the world about anything. I mean don't get me wrong, Central City is beautiful and the city is amazing...but knowing that there's now criminals with possible abilities? That just makes life way scarier...

Not to mention just regular criminals in general...You could walk past anyone who could have abilities or be a criminal and you will never know...Sucks that despite all the beauty people see in the world...there's still so much bad and evil that counteracts that...anyday could be anyone's last and they will never know...

When I got to Jitters, I walked in seeing no one but a few of my co-workers. I walked behind the counter, threw on my apron and made sure things were cleaned and chairs were down for opening time. I made myself a coffee and muffin for breakfast because god knows I'll be more depressed and exhausted without anything in my system.

My co-worker told me it'll be my time to close up shop so I have to stay a little past curfew which was fine, not like I had a life to get to or anyone special in my life so why bother? After I finished breakfast, it was opening time and everyone loves rushing in and grabbing their coffee on the go for their 9am-5pm gets kinda crazy busy early in the mornings but it was whatever. I was basically so alone that my co-workers hardly talk to me unless it's just about work but they love talking among themselves and I'm just here...working 8+ hours a day just trying to get by...

I sighed as I saw the door open revealing Barry and his friends from work who I have yet met and know. I frowned as my heart started to hurt, but I put back on that fake smile that's so deceiving. His friends sat down as Barry walked up to the counter "Morning Luna" He said smiling "Morning" I said, Barry looked at the menu and sighed "Uh, let's get 4 espressos for here please" he said, I just smiled and nodded as he paid and I made him and his friends espressos.

After I made his drinks, I put them in a carrier and handed it to him "thanks sis. Will we see you at dinner?" He asked, I shook my head "My turn for closing up" I said, he just nodded "Shame, well, i'll see you later" he said, I just nodded as he walked off to his friends and carried on with his day smiling and laughing while my heart was pounding and shattering little by little and no one noticed...this is what everday was...

(A Few Hours Later)

It was finally closing time, my co-workers left which made me sigh as I started cleaning up the place. I washed down tables, put chairs on tables, swept floors, cleaned station area...took like an hour because I'm a tiny person and Jitters was a big place but it didn't matter.

After I finished, I sighed and wiped my forehead and finally closed up. I headed out the door, locked it behind me and headed on home. It was dark which made me sigh as the cold wind felt great...It was silent and there was no car or person in sight...the silence can be deafening sometimes...makes the voices in my head too loud...I sighed and shook my head and headed on home.

When I got home, I walked in seeing everyone doing their own thing. They looked at me and smiled "hey pumpkin how was work?" Joe asked, I smiled softly "Fine" I said, he just nodded "We had pizza for dinner. There's some in the oven for you" Iris said, "thanks" I whispered as I walked in the kitchen and grabbed a slice of pizza from the oven and ate it, man was I hungry...and exhausted.

I sighed as I headed up to my room to get back in my pj's and just try and sleep because who knows when my nightmares will come back...they come on and off...along with self-harming...only when it gets really bad and even tho I'm still sad and depressed each and everyday, it hasn't been bad enough for me to do that so...that's a win I guess.

I yawned as I hopped out of my clothes and back in my pjs. I sat on my bed, turned on my tv, watched (whatever) and ate my dinner then went to bed because everyday was just the same and it's sad but also exhausting...I wish life wasn't this way but what can I do?

(newly edited chapter. Hope y'all enjoy!)

(1700 Words)

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