Chapter 18: Lazy Day

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(Luna's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open seeing Leo's not in bed. I frowned and sighed as Ezra meowed which made me smile softly as I pet his fur "I'm so sorry you had to see me like this Ezra...I don't want your first impression of me to be like 'oh my god you're absolutely insane' but while that's true you and my friend Mick and boyfriend Leo make it all better...but still I'm sorry you have to see me like this" I said to my cat who just meowed which made me smile "I wonder where your father went?" I asked,

I heard coughing which made me look seeing Leo by the door holding a tray of food and cups of coffee. My eyes widen and face flushed "you heard all of that didn't you?" I asked, he chuckled "Of course I did" he said and smirked a bit, I sighed and rolled my eyes "You're cute when you talk to an animal" he said,

I glared at him which made him chuckle and kissed my head as he set the tray on my lap "What's this for?" I asked, Leo smiled "I thought today we would just take a lazy day meaning we stay in bed all day. You don't think about anything, move for any reason unless it's to go to the bathroom and I will get you anything you want but you just stay here. Catch up on reading or writing or tv is all about you Sweetheart okay?" Leo said,

I blushed and smiled softly "Okay Leo" I said, he smiled and kissed my head "For a criminal you sure are a softy" I said, Leo crawled into bed next to me and grabbed his tray of food and coffee "Only for you Love. Only for you" he said and kissed my cheek which made me smile as he turned on Netflix while we just had our breakfast.

After breakfast, Leo took our stuff back downstairs as I carefully took off my casts. Leo came back in to see what I was doing "are you allowed to take those off yet?" he asked, I huffed "Are you going to stop me?" I asked, he smirked "No" he said, I smiled "good. Can you please run me a bath?" I asked, he smiled and kissed my head he headed to the bathroom and ran my bath.

He came back in and helped me with my casts which made me smile as it felt good to let my leg and wrist breathe. I rolled my ankle which popped and cracked my fists which popped as well. I bent my leg and arm "you think they're healed?" I asked, Leo shrugged "I wouldn't try it if I were you" He said,

I glared at him which made him chuckle and roll his eyes as he came over and picked me up bridal style and took me to the bathroom. He set me on the edge of the sink and took off my clothes which were just my underwear and one of his shirts. Leonard stripped his clothes as well as he picked me up and got in the tub.

Leo sat down and set me on his lap which made me blush shyly and sigh a bit cause the water felt nice. I sighed and put my hands on Leo's chest and ran my hands up and around his neck. Leo let out a small sigh as ran his hands from my cheeks down to my neck and collarbones and down my arms, to my sides, under my breasts to my waist making me shutter a little.

Leo pressed his forehead against mine making me smile softly "I love you Leo" I whispered, he smiled softly "I love you too" he whispered as he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine making me smile and kiss back as his lips were cold but soft against mine.

The kiss was sweet, lingering and passionate...till it got heated cause it's Leo. He nibbled on my bottom lip making me smirk as I didn't open my mouth. He groaned as he slid his hands down to my as and squeezed it which made me gasp.

Leo smirked as he slid his tongue in my mouth which made me whimper a little. Leo pulled away for a moment and kissed my cheek, jawline then down to my neck making me giggle and scrunch up a bit because I didn't know my neck was so sensitive.

Leo chuckled "Ticklish Love?" he asked, I nodded which made him smirk as he continued to kiss, lick, suck and bite around my neck making me whimper as my heart stammered out of my chest and stomach fluttered.

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