Chapter 17: HOW COULD YOU!?

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(Leonard's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to hear Luna muttering stuff in her sleep like 'please don't kill him' or my name. I sighed as I sat up and rubbed my eyes tiredly and shook her shoulders ''Sweetheart wake up you're having another nightmare'' I said, she started breathing heavily, crying, thrashing around and sweating.

I frowned as I sat her up and hugged her tightly. Ezra meowed which made her shoot her eyes open and start to cry ''Shshsh its okay'' I whispered, she just hugged me tightly as I rubbed her back and kissed her head ''I had another nightmare didn't I?" she asked,

I just sighed and nodded which made her whine "they just went away...why are they back?" she whined and sniffled. I cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears away "You're just stressed sweetheart and with your argument with Barry, you're just overwhelmed" I said, she sighed with defeat which made me kiss her head as I checked the time seeing it was 6am.

Luna got up and headed downstairs with me and Ezra following behind...It breaks my heart to see her like this and see her in this much pain...I try my best because I love her so much but it sucks that I can't do more to help...but all I can do is just comfort her and be there for her.

(Luna's Pov)

Welp...I guess my nightmares are back...that's fucking amazing...I guess after everything with Barry and all that just happened I've been so stressed and tired of it all that the nightmares are back...

Not only of Tony killing everyone I love, but back to being a worthless nobody so that's fun...I just never want to sleep ever again nor ever wanted to talk again...I'm just so done...

It was 6am when I woke up from my new nightmares, I didn't bother to try and sleep again so me, Leo and Ezra headed out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat next to Mick at the table while Leo did the same and Ezra went to eat his food.

I sighed ''I assume you didn't sleep well?" Mick asked, I put my hand on my head and sighed ''You assumed right'' I said with a small fake smile ''More Nightmares?" Mick asked, I just nodded as Mick sighed and patted my back then went to count his money or tinker with his gun.

Leonard rubbed my back ''Come here'' He whispered as he pat his lap. I sighed as I got up and sat on Leo's lap and looked down at my lap cause I probably looked like shit. Leo gently grabbed onto my hands which made me shiver a bit cause he's always cold.

He smiled softly as he kissed my hands repeatedly, ''I promise that I will always be here for you no matter what and I promise that whatever happens, I will always be by your side" He said as he grabbed my chin and looked me straight in the eyes.

I sniffled a little and nodded as he put his hands on my cheeks and wiped the tears away, ''When I hung out with Barry, I asked if he was only hanging out with me because I was hurt because it got me thinking...he only showed up because I was hurt and before that he didn't give a fuck about me and he said that it was his fault I got hurt and I asked how and he said he didn't know Tony was after me and I asked if he thought everything just stopped when I stuck up for him in grade school but it didn't....Tony went after me for years...years and years of relentless bullying and I told no one because I didn't want to be called a tattletale and get hurt more and I didn't want tony going after Barry so I endured the pain for years" I said and explained all I said to Leo about my disagreement with Barry.

Leonard rubbed my back which made me sigh as I sipped my coffee and took a breather "then Barry had the nerve to fucking ask why didn't I tell him and I said Tony was in prison so I didn't think this would ever happen and that was years ago so not like it would be any good and he never fucking cared up until now and again he had the audacity to say he does care? I mean what the fuck? He hasn't been there for me in 12 fucking years and whenever I tried to get his attention he would always say he was busy so I stopped trying and he didn't fucking care" I explained angrily as tears fell form my face.

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