Chapter 7: Falling For The Bad Guy?

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(Luna's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to the sun shining thru the living room window. I looked around and sighed seeing I was on the couch at Leonard and Mick's place. I groaned as I sat up and rubbed my face tiredly...thank god for weekends am I right?

I looked at my phone seeing it was 9am which made me sigh as I saw texts from Barry and Joe. I rolled my eyes and sighed as I got up from the couch stretching and yawning. I heard clinking in the kitchen which made me smile as I headed to the kitchen seeing Mick and Leonard talking and having coffee.

They looked at me and smiled "Well, well, well look who's finally awake" Leonard teased, I smiled and rolled my eyes "I hate the mornings and I love my sleep" I said as I went over, grabbed a mug and poured myself a cup of coffee.

The boys smirked a bit "How'd you sleep?" Leonard asked, I just smiled "good. Thanks for letting me stay over" I said, they just smiled "No problem, If you ever need to get away from Barry because I understand how much of a pain he can be, you're always welcome here" Leonard said, I smiled and nodded as my heart pounded, stomach churned and face flushed a bit...

Wait what? I can't be falling for the bad guy now can I? I mean don't get me wrong, Leonard's cute and all but am I even allowed to like someone like him? He's a criminal yes but I don't know how that would work because I don't think I could ever change their minds about being who they are nor do I think they'll ever listen to me but Leonard and Mick have been ever so nice and kind to me these past few days and I can't thank them enough...But why now? I mean I never had feelings like this before and frankly I'm not exactly sure what to do about them because well, they're quite overwhelming, I can't tell Barry and I'm afraid of how Joe will react...

I sighed and shook my head as my phone went off. I looked seeing it was Barry which made me scoff and roll my eyes. The boys chuckled "Still mad at him huh?" Leonard asked, I just nodded "He has the fucking nerve to continue to tell me to stay away from you guys. I overheard him talking shit about me and you guys to Joe when Joe actually stuck up for all of us saying on how you guys have made me happier over these past few days and that even though you guys are criminals I know you aren't that bad and plus I know deep down you boys have your scars" I explained.

The boys were a little confused but nodded anyways "how can you tell?" Mick asked, I smiled "The eyes are the way to the soul as I've seen in books. It takes pain and dull eyes to know pain and dull eyes" I said, the boys frowned a bit "well, I guess you're not wrong, everyone has their demons" Leonard said, I just sighed and nodded "You're wise for someone so small" Mick said, I chuckled "thanks Mick" I said, he just nodded "And thanks guys for making me feel better these past few days" I said, they smiled softly "No problem" Leonard said,

I sighed and sipped my coffee "So yesterday, Mick you were polishing some type of gun, what is it?" I asked, the boys smirked "that's my heat gun. People call me Heatwave and the Boss here has a cold gun and people call him Captain Cold" Mick explained.

I giggled "Cute names" I said, the boys smirked and rolled their eyes which made me smile "they look cool" I said, the boys smirked "they're very cool. I like burning things" Mick said, I chuckled "I can tell" I said pointing to the 3rd degree burn scars on his arms. I looked at Leonard which made him look at me and smirk. My eyes widen and face flushed which made him chuckle "You seem to blush a lot don't you?" he asked, I looked down at my feet and blushed shyly...damnit why is he making me feel this way now?

After I finished my coffee, Barry kept trying to call me which made me groan as I slammed my mug down and grabbed my phone and answered "what the fuck do you want Barry? Last time I checked when someone declines your calls and doesn't answer you means they don't want to fucking talk to you" I explained harshly.

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