Chapter 13: Pain and Suffering

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(Luna's Pov)

I tried to so hard not to sleep that night, I was honestly so scared to so I didn't...but I was so exhausted that I could pass out at any moment but at this point I just don't care depression is back so that's fun and now the voices won't stop yelling at me and it's all what Tony said to me...I didn't want to move...or talk...or live...I'm just done...

I sighed as I looked out the window seeing the sun coming up. I also saw everyone else was asleep...cause apparently no one wanted to leave which was nice of them but worthless really...I sighed and looked at Leo who was sleeping beside me on the bed since I was small enough that he could fit beside me.

I sighed and turned to look at him ''Leo'' I whispered and shook him a bit, he fluttered his eyes open and looked at me ''Hey Sweetheart you're up early'' He said rubbing his eyes tiredly, I sighed ''Yea I didn't sleep and I want to go home'' I whispered, Leo sighed and nodded as he kissed my head "want me to ask Barry if we can go?" he asked,

I just nodded as I just felt like crying for some reason...the urges were so strong a-and I wanted to tell Leo but I didn't want to worry him and the others...I just can''s holding me back from saying anything...I have to get this out one way or another...

Leo kissed my head and hopped out of bed and went over to Barry and woke him up. I didn't hear what they say but I'm assuming it was something about me leaving. Barry handed Leo medicine and crutches which made me sigh and roll my eyes.

Leo came back "He said we can go but you have medicine to take if you're in pain and crutches cause ya know" He said, I just nodded, as Leo woke up Mick who groaned. I sighed as I carefully sat up and maneuvered myself to the edge of the bed. Leo stood by incase I fell over.

I took a deep breath and sighed as I held onto my crutches and pulled myself up. I bit my lip trying not to be in pain but fuck was I in so much pain, ''Are you okay kid?" Mick asked being concerned, I nodded and walked around a bit trying to get used to things ''Okay lets go home'' I said with a sigh as I walked out without another word. It was hard getting on Leonard's bike especially with my crutches but when we got that situated, we headed on home and I was just so done...

When we got home, I went over to the couch and gently sat down with a sigh. Leo came up to me and leaned down a bit ''Do you need anything?" Leonard asked being the best concerning boyfriend ever. I just shrugged which made Leo sigh "you have to eat something, so I'm going to make you something okay?" He asked,

I just shrugged again which made him sigh as he got up and headed to the kitchen to make me food that I don't want to eat...Tears filled my eyes as I sniffled and wiped them away. Leonard came back and put the food on the coffee table. It was coffee, eggs, bacon and pancakes and it smelled good but I was too depressed to eat.

Leonard brushed my hair out of my face which made me sigh "Please eat something Sweetheart" He pleaded, I rolled my eyes and sighed as I grabbed the plate and hesitantly ate, I was super slow when doing so and it was good but I didn't really enjoy it because I just didn't care anymore...

Leonard wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head as we watched t.v. When I finished breakfast I sighed and smiled a little ''Thank you Leonard'' I said softly, he just nodded ''You're welcome. From now on I will get you anything until you get better and I will take time off work until you get better okay?'' Leonard stated, I just nodded as Leo kissed my cheek which made me blush a bit.

After a while, Leo and Mick went to count their money and tinker with their guns. Leo was hesitant with leaving me alone but seeing as I'm severely depressed, I don't really wanna move...But as soon as he left and I was alone...everything just came back...the nightmares, the flashbacks, the urges...all of it...

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