Chapter 8: First Date?

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(Luna's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open seeing I'm on the couch at Leonard and Mick's place. I sighed and groaned as I turned the other way just wanting to go back to sleep but knowing me that'll never happen. I sighed as I sat up and rubbed my face tiredly. I looked seeing it was 9am which made me sigh as I got a text from Joe. I smiled and answered

Joe- Hey Pumpkin, I was wondering if you wanted to get breakfast with me?

Me- I'd love to.

Joe- Good. I'm at (breakfast place) I'll meet you there

Me- Sounds good. See you soon.

I smiled softly as I hopped off the couch stretching and yawning. I grabbed a pair of clothes from my bag and headed up to the bathroom to change. I hopped out of my pj's which were actually my pj's this time and not Leonard's shirt...though I wasn't complaining last time...but still. I hopped into blue jeans with a nice long sleeve cropped top. I brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun. I headed back downstairs, put on my shoes and headed to the kitchen seeing Mick and Leonard talking and sipping coffee.

They looked at me and smirked "well, well, going somewhere?" Leonard asked, I smiled "Having breakfast with Joe" I said, they nodded "So I will see you boys later" I said, they nodded as I smiled and headed out and hopped in my car and off to meet Joe.

When I got there, I parked my car, hopped out and headed in the breakfast place. I looked around trying to find Joe "Luna" I heard him call out. I looked and saw him sitting a booth which made me smile as I walked over and sat across from him "Morning Joe" I said, he smiled "Morning pumpkin. I ordered you some coffee" He said,

I smiled and thanked him as I put some creamer in and took a nice long sip and sighed "How are you?" Joe asked, I smiled softly "I'm okay, how are you? How's work?" I asked, he smiled "I'm good and work is well work" He said, I just smiled and nodded "How's Barry?" I asked, Joe sighed "Not good. I told him a few things about our talk and now he's just beating himself over all it" He said,

I sighed and rolled my eyes "Well that's what he gets and deserves" I said, Joe frowned "I know you don't mean that. You've been spending too much time with Snart and Rory" he joked, I smiled and rolled my eyes "it's not like they're keeping me hostage or using me as leverage" I said with a small smile.

Joe chuckled "I guess not" He said, I just nodded and sipped my coffee "How's it going with them by the way?" He asked, I couldn't help but blush and smile at the thought of Leonard. Joe's eyes widen a bit as he chuckled a bit ''You got a thing for him, don't you?" Joe asked with a bit of surprise,

I rolled my eyes and played it off as innocent as possible ''No what? What are you talking about?" I asked drinking my coffee ever so innocently ''Okay whatever'' Joe said glaring at me and chuckling as I smiled and blushed furiously "W-would it be such a bad thing if I did?" I asked shyly,

Joe sighed "well he's a convicted criminal but I feel like you could soften him up but if you really like him then no I don't think it's a bad idea. I mean you're an adult and so is he and I can't tell you who you like and don't like so it's not really up to me" He said, I just sighed "but even if I do, Barry's going to be all up on my ass about it and I don't want to hear it but that boy never listens" I said,

Joe sighed "He just protective of you Luna. He wants you to be safe and he just really hates Snart and Rory and he thinks you can't change criminals and they'll hurt you or they're manipulating you in some way" He said, I sighed "But they're not. They would've done so by day one by now" I said, Joe said "I know honey but Barry doesn't know that because he doesn't trust them" he said, I sighed "but what about me? Why doesn't he trust me?" I asked sounding a little hurt. Joe sighed "I just don't know pumpkin, that boy sure is stubborn but maybe if you talked to him and talked things through" He said,

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