Chapter 6: Friends with The Enemy?

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(Luna's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to the sun shining thru my bedroom window, I sighed and rolled my eyes as I sat up and rubbed my face tiredly. I looked seeing it was 6am and my alarm hasn't gone off yet. I groaned as I rubbed my face and yawned tiredly.

I hopped out of bed stretching and yawning. I sighed as I stripped out of my clothes and into blue ripped jeans with a white halter top and brown cardigan. I brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun, slid on my shoes and headed out of the house not bothering to care if the others were awake or not.

I was greeted by the warm sun and cool breeze which made me sigh as I headed off to work not bothering to look at anyone or anything around me...I was too busy thinking about yesterday which made me angry and then I thought of Leonard which made me sigh and roll my eyes...

When I got to work, I walked in, put on my apron and made sure everything was prepped and ready for opening. I asked to work overtime and close up again which my co-workers said was perfectly fine. When it was time, people came in, ordered their drinks and snacks and either headed off to work or stayed inside to chat with their friends. I sighed as I made myself a cup of seemed a little slow today...or it's just me but still...

After a while, I heard the door open revealing a certain someone. I smiled softly as I went up to the front counter "well, well, well morning stranger" I greeted, Leonard smirked at me "Luna, this is my partner Mick, Mick this is Luna Allen" Leonard greeted, he glared a me for a moment "Like in that punk Barry Allen?" He asked with a gravelly voice.

I just nodded "Hmm" He said, "well it's nice to meet you Mick" I said, he just nodded, ''So would you guys like anything?" I asked, they looked at the menu and nodded ''Sure let's just get 2 Coffees for here" he said, I smiled and nodded as I got them their coffee and they stayed by the front counter to chat,

When people left, I started walking around and cleaning up their messes ''So Luna what time is closing time?" Leonard asked, ''Uh well I gotta close up around 8pm but you both can stay as long as you want'' I said with a small smile ''Great we'll stay'' Mick said, I smiled and nodded "Did Barry find out I walked you home yesterday?" Leonard asked,

I scoffed "Yea, he had the fucking nerve to yell at me after I mentioned you once and forbid me stay away from you. I mean I didn't expect you to come back really but I'm glad you did either way" I said, Leonard and Mick smirked "Feisty, I like it" Mick said, I blushed and smiled "Barry is such an asshole. He hasn't been in my life for 12 years and all of a sudden I mention you once and he flips out?" I asked and scoffed a bit,

The boys chuckled "Let's just say we're not too fond of Barry" Leonard said sipping his coffee, I rolled my eyes "Yea, I know. So I heard" I said and sighed as I cleaned off tables, served and made coffee and waited till closing time.


After a while, it was finally closing time. I sighed as the last set of people headed out of Jitters which made me sigh as I cleaned off counters, swept floors, washed down machines and threw away trash.

After that, I made myself another cup of coffee and sat next to Mick and Leonard, I let out a long sigh "Long day?" Leonard asked, I just nodded as I rubbed my face tiredly and sipped my coffee ''So Joe told me something you two'' I mentioned, ''Yea what'd he say?" Mick asked, ''That you guys are bad...and are criminals'' I said, ''Yea he's not wrong'' Leonard said smirking,

I just nodded ''honestly criminals or not guys are...well whatever we are" I said, the guys looked at each other with confusion "Friends?" Leonard asked, I just nodded "If you want to be" I said with a small shrug and glimpse of hope.

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