Masthew: Cabin

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Drawing hearts on the foggy glass

Mason rubbed his hands together as he crunched through the snow. He wasn't sure why he thought this was a good idea, it probably wasn't to be completely frank, but when he told Matthew, the way her eyes lit up. He didn't have the heart to not bring her here.

True love chase away my past

"Why did I think this was a good idea?" He asked nobody in particular besides himself, he forgot about the deep smooth voice as it chuckled next to him and shoved a handful of snow down the back of his shirt.

Nothing but the open road

"Because you love me~" Matthew teased sticking her tongue out and patting another snowball with her gloved hands and lobbing Mason in the chests with it.

Saddle up, here we go

"Yeah right!" Mason yelled diving behind a tree, a snowball thanked into the tree seconds after he dived. He started patting some snow into snowballs when he stopped hearing a crunching noise.

1, 2, 3

"Mattie?" He asked looking around the tree, to find that she wasn't there. Caustiously stepping out, a snowball in each hand .

First winter here in your arms

"SUPRISE!" She squeaked as a mountain of snow and a curly haired girl landed in top of him. Mason groaned at the weight but as soon as he opened his eyes all the pain in his body disappeared as he looked at the beautiful sight in front of him.

Flames rising as well fall like stars

Matthew was looking at him upside down, her sea green eyes sparkling before she closed them a smile gracing her face and the most adorable laughter flowed out of her mouth like warm honey. The sight itself was enough to make Mason smile, he hasn't seen Mattie so happy in a long time.

Making angels in the snow

"Oh no you don't!" He said grabbing her under her arms and rolling over so she was beneath him. She snorted and continued her laughter only louder and that much more melodic to Mason's ears.

Warm, fuzzies, frozen toes

"Oh you think you can beat me?" Matthew asked a coy smile on her face pushing up her glasses, "Think again big boy." She said wrapping her legs around his waist and twisting, making Mason lose his balance and plop right next to her in the snow.

Is this a dream?

She looked at him her warm breath visible in front of her, they said nothing, the cold forgotten as they let the silence sit in the air like a beautiful still frame. And then Mason laughed, the warm deep sound vibrating his chest as he looked at Matthew's startled face. She followed soon after when just looking at each other sent them into another fit of giggles.

Don't Wake me up

"Hey Liebchen," Matthew said breathlessly, touching Mason's arm.

"Hmm?" He hummed looking at her through his foggy glasses. She scooted closer until her head was resting on his shoulder and they were breathing the same air in sync.

If this is love

She reached out and brushed a lock of his curly hair out of his face, he felt his face heat up under the numbing cold. "I don't know about you, but I have like two pounds of melting ice in my pants, do you think we can get that fire you talked about earlier going?" She asked smiling either her beautifully white teeth that made the snow seem dull and brown in comparison.

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