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Mason's POV

"Oh look at my little boy!" Mom said kneeling in front of me and adjusting my collar.

"Dad please help" I said looking up at my Dad who laughed and shook his head, letting me be picked at by my mother.

"I SWEAR TO GOD PANDORA-" Uncle Mad Max's shouted was cut off by a loud crash, Fluffy yelping, and Pandora running away from her room as fast as her legs could take her.

"PANDORA!" Uncle MM said running after her, baby powder coating his entire face, Aunt Barney walked out of the same room also covered in baby power. Katyusha giggled in his arms and reached up to pat his cheeks.

"Ivan." I heard Uncle Red say from the doorway downstairs, "Ivan you need to take the scarf off." A noise of disagreement, "Ivan" A louder grunt of disagreement.

"Why did we get so many kids?" Dad asked Mom, Mom rolled her eyes and kissed Dad's cheek.

"Have a fun day at Kindergarten my little nugget." She said hugging me, I couldn't breathe until she let me go.

"ROSSS" Dad yelled picking me up, "GATHER UP THE KIDS! ITS TIME TO PILE INTO THE SOCCER MOM CAR!" There was a noise of acknowledgement that sounded like a 'ye' but I couldn't tell over the furious cursing coming from Uncle Mad Max, and the equally horrifying cursing coming from Pandora.

Bachelor Jinboob walked past us holding Matthew, who was sound asleep holding her polar bear toy against her chest. "Come on Adam!" He said pushing my dad's shoulder as he passed, "I bet my favorite baby will charm the whole student board." He said gesturing to Matthew's sleeping face as she snorted.

If anybody was going to charm anything, it would be Matthew.

She's perfect.

After about five minutes of yelling and Aunt Ross calming down Uncle Mad Max, we managed to squeeze everybody into the 'soccer mom car', Dad turned it on as unfamiliar music played from the speakers.

"MatMat" I said holding my arm out to the sleeping beauty next to me, she blinked sluggishly and limply threw her arm in my direction. I giggled in delight and held onto her hand as she fell back asleep.

"Are you ready Newty?" Aunt Ross asked from behind us, I heard Newt squeal and a squeaker go off. Uncle Mad Max huffed, meaning that Pandora threw a squeaky toy at her older brother's face.


I spent the rest of the car ride holding Matthews hand and looking out the window as tons of pretty trees flew past.

"Were here!" Dad said unbuckling me and balancing me on his hip, "Are you excited?!" He asked looking at me and the other, "Yeah I'm not either." He said shrugging when everybody stayed quiet.

"Oh look, it's Helen." Aunt Ross said nudging Bachelor Jinboob, Jinboob looked at the women Aunt Ross pointed to and looked at him again. "You know Helen, the bitch that brings gluten free lemon squares to the PTA meetings? The one who's kid competes against Matthew's ballet?" He added as Uncle Jinboob face light up in recognition.

"Ohs stops yours gossipings" Aunt Barney said ruffling Aunt Ross' hair, "We has to gets to the offices soons. Sos says yours goodbyes, I'm drivings." He said before walking out of the building.

The rest of my family said goodbye rather quickly, and left me with Matthew and a kid with slicked back blonde hair.

"Hello class!" A pretty lady said standing in front of a chalkboard, she had long shiny black hair and brown eyes. "I'm Miss Lesrtade! But you can call me Ms L if you want!" She said smiling with perfectly white teeth that made me look away from it in fear that I would go blind.

"Now let's get some roll call." She said picking up a clipboard, "When I call your name, say here!" She went off and started calling names, I zoned off until I heard her calling mine.

"Here!" I said raising my hand, Ms L looked at me proudly and smiled before continuing. I heard her call Newt's name, then Matthew's she repeated Matthew's.

"Is Matthew here today?" She asked looking around the classroom, Matthew raised her hand and called 'here' just like Ms L told her too. Ms L even looked at her, "Does anybody know if Matthew is here today." She asked looking Matthew straight in her eyes, "do you know sweetie?" She asked kneeling down to look Matthew in the eye.

"I'm Matthew" Mattie said looking at Ms L.

"No sweetie you're not. Matthew is a boys name, and you're a girl sweetheart. So do you know where Matthew is? Is he your brother?" She asked looking Mattie straight in the eye.

"But I'm Matthew!" Mattie said looking at Ms L in a similar fashion that Mom looks at Dad whenever he curses around us.

"No your not sweetie." Ms L repeated with the same smile, as if she was talking to a mere peasant! How dare she speak to my queen in such a way! I looked at Matthew who took a deep breath and looked into Ms L eyes.

"For the love of God you cock sucking bitch," she said repeating what Uncle Mad Max said sometimes, "I am Matthew damn Washington, the middle triple of Newt and Pandora Washington. So don't you fucking dare tell me I'm not you fucking mewling quim." She said making Ms L's face looks the child in front of her in fear.

"Ummmm" Ms L looked at her desk, "Why doesn't everybody get to know each other while I make a phone call?" She asked standing up and walking over to her desk and flipping through folders.

"Hey Mas" Mattie said shaking my arm, "This is Will my dancing opponent, Will this is Mason my best friend."  She said pointing to the guy with the slicked back blonde hair.

"Nice to meet you Mason!" He said politely as a hint of mischievous intent his behind his grass green eyes.

I picked up a crayon and started drawing on the desk, we can do that right? I looked at the dog I drew.

Yeah, we can do this.

I was pulled out of my creative bible by the sound of Matthew falling out of her chair, some brown haired jackass was holding her stuffed polar bear above his head as Matthew tried to get up holding her knee.

"What?" Jackass asked sticking his tongue out at Matthew, "Kumajiro not going to turn into a big bear and chase me away?" He asked in a mocking voice, "well boo hoo princess!"

I looked at Ms L who was still on the phone and then at Will who was looking at Jackass with the same amount of hatred I was.

We nodded at each other and stood up, standing next to each other in front of Matthew brushing shoulders. We were a shield for our queen! Like good knights!

"Leave her alone!" Will challenged looking Jackass right in his brown eyes, Jackass sneered at us.

"Or what?" He asked stroking the stuff polar bear, "You'll break my nose?"


"Totally worth it" Will said high fiving me while we waiting for Ms. L to finish her frantic explanation to our parents.

"Mason!" Dad yelled kneeling down in front of me, "What made you think breaking a kids nose, and giving him a black eye was a good idea?" He asked looking at me over his glasses.

"You forgot the sprained wrist." Will mentioned happily as I discreetly punched his shoulder, Dad looked down on me.

"I hope to God this ain't going to be you when you get older." He said rubbing his face, he picked me up just as Will's mom, Helen made a noise like a dying bird.

But even that was overpowered by Uncle Mad Max's roaring at Matthew for cursing at the teacher. Matthew looked blankly into the distance as Uncle MM yelled at her, she zone out a while ago.

First grade's going to be fun.

A/N I've decided to continue this due to the overwhelming amount of support I received to continue this story. So thank you gust so much for the support! I couldn't have continued without you. And um, if this doesn't sound too demanding can you just leave a little comment on something you liked? Moving on, thank you guys for the support!


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