Chapter 32 ~ The Return

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He was hugging me whenever the boom rang out. We were all unprepared. 
They'd found the best time to attack. 

I covered Tyler's mouth and nose whenever the gas bomb was thrown through the window. 
I sprung upwards and pushed Craig out of the room. 
Tanner was a little drowsy so I pushed Tyler out and picked up Tanner bridal style, running out of the room and rolling onto the ground, tucking her in my chest so she would be more safe. 

I coughed and Tyler picked up Craig.
I closed the door and screamed. 

Marzia ran over and picked up Tanner, showing a little more distress than me. 
"I'll take care of her until you guys get your weapons. I'll try and patch that room up when the fumes clear. Go out there with the boys and fight the best you can. Hurry now." She patted my back. 

I smiled and gave Presley a kiss on the head.

I jogged out of the house to storage and my mouth hung open. 
My team hadn't made it to the weapons in time.
They were tied up.
And two soldiers were right beside the campground.

I slid underneath one and flipped over, pulling him backwards onto his back.
Then I grabbed the other's shoulders and pulled it down, slinging over him and laying on top of him. I grabbed a knife from my pocket and ripped the rope they were tied up in. I then tied it over their feet, double-knotting the two together. 

"Wait!" One was laughing as he shouted out. 
"Any last words?" I asked. 
He laughed. 
"Yeah, Z, where did you get that bruise on your arm?" 

I paused. 

He giggled.

"What the fuck!" I yelled and cut the rope off of him, tackling him. 
I was crying tears of joy at this point. 

"You really think that we're gonna miss out on this party?" Lui asked.
"Who's that?" I asked. 

Cartoonz pulled down his hood and grinned. 
Evan growled. 

'What the hell are you here for?" 

"I'm here to help. Me and Lui here have been looking secretly at the other gangs' plan for weeks, and we were ready to betray them for you guys." He smiled.

Evan growled again.

"Whether he lets you stay with them or not," Lui said to Cartoonz. 
"You need to tell Tyler the truth and apologize to Z." 

I looked at Luke.

Luke hesitated, then he looked at Tyler.
"Can you tie Z and Tyler down again before I tell them?" 

Evan sighed and pointed to Daithi. 
Nogla got on his knees and tied the two together, back to back. 
Tyler wasn't too happy about that, either. 

Luke took a deep breath.
"Tyler, Z didn't kill your father or Kelly." He said.
I turned to Tyler.

"You thought I killed your family?" I asked, tears in my eyes. 

Tyler POV:

"She didn't? What the fuck, Luke!?" I yelled.

"I'm sorry, they paid me to tell you, they wanted you to lose your best assassin, and I really needed the money, me and Calibre both!" He said, almost sobbing. 

"Well your valuable MONEY almost killed my sister, broke my heart, and almost got me fucking EXILED!!" I screamed. 

Z grabbed my hand.
"Tyler, it's okay. Listen, I understand now. I'm so sorry. Leave him alone, I know what it's like to have to do things like that for money..." She cried. 

Everyone was a mess.
I was a mess, Z was a mess, Luke was a mess.

Delirious cleared his throat.
"Everyone listen. We need to get through this. Whether we think it'd going to be okay or not, it will be. And we fight together, as a family. Whether we have allies or not, we live or die as a family. We will fight, and as long as we are together, we will win. Nothing will knock us down. Now, Luke can help us. We're fools to refuse him. We've had problems in the past, sure, but we are different now, we all are. Let's do this together, we can beat the hell out of these bitches if we try." He said.


I sighed.
"Daithi, untie me so I can give Luke a hug."

He nodded and untied me, and I stood up, walking over to Luke with my arms out.
He opened his and gave me a hug.
"I'm sorry." He said again.

"It's okay." I assured him.

"It's okay." Tyler said behind me.

"Well, what the fuck do we do now?" I heard Ohm ask behind us.

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