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savannah's pov

i hastily drank the rest of my fourth cocktail, tilting my head back and allowing the alcohol to quickly consume me as bounce back by big sean blasted in the club speakers.

"okay, i'm ready for another one" i loudly settled down my glass. "who else?".

"i'm still on my second" lauren shook her drink gently.

kendall did the same, "me too".

the other girls that we were with all held back, telling me that they're were fine with the drink that they were still aiming to finish.

"aw, come on. i thought that we were supposed to be having fun?" i exclaimed.

"don't you think that that's enough with the drinks?" lauren whispered to me, but i instantly cocked my head back.

"what? no! get one more" i held onto her arm and begged, although she and the others stared at me with blank faces and shook their heads.

i rolled my eyes and stood up, "fine. i guess it's just one for me".

i made my way through the crowd and stopoed at the bar, where i caught the cute bartender's attention. i ordered one cocktail that he kindly gave me for free, and then i added five vodka shots go with it just for some extra fun.

once he lined up the five mini glasses before me, i downed the first one, then the second, then the third.

"woah. slow down there, princess" a male voice spoke in my ear.

i knitted my brows and swallowed the sharp remains of the drink, "excuse me?".

he finally stood beside me and i was able to get a better look. he had dark hair, light brown skin, a beard that was stylishly scruffy and he practically towered over me with his tall height.

"i saw you drink about three glasses over there, and now the shots and the extra cocktail?" he explained.

"okay. one, watching me from afar is pretty creepy and stalkerish and two, for your information, i'm just enjoying my night out. is that a crime?" i inquired, before quickly taking the fourth shot.

the man rested his elbows against the bar, so he was lowered to my height, "let me guess: you were really excited to let loose tonight but now your friends are limiting themselves to two drinks, keeping sober and you feel like you might as well party on your own".

"yes!" i threw my head back with relief. "you completely understand".

he held his hand out, "reece,".

"savannah" i told, returning the gesture. "so, reece, are your friends planning on remembering what happened tonight?".

he gestured behind him, "no, they're aiming to get as drunk as you could ever be as per usual. i just came over to chat to the pretty woman".

i smiled at his compliment and passed him my last shot, "i like you — here".

"so, what exactly is the cause of this night out?" reece questioned before taking down the vodka. "or are you just that spontaneous?".

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