jack's pov
i rested my arms underneath my head, as i laid on the uncomfortable mattress inside my cell.
i couldn't lie in any other position, since my sides were violently kicked by some prisoners with serious anger issues, and my face had a bust lip and a bruise from being punched.
most of my days just consist of lying within these walls any ways - staring into thin air, thinking about my friends and family and imagining my plans when i get out of here.
"hey! gilinsky" i glanced over at the bars as one of the male officers stood on the other side. "you have a visitor today".
i sat up, landing my feet onto the ground, "is it the girl?".
"i'm just the messenger" he bluntly responded and i exhaled, before walking up to the bars and waiting for him to unlock the cell.
he placed me in tight handcuffs, then escorted me to line up with the other prisoners, as another guard took over to lead us to the visitation room.
"hey bro" i breathed out, sitting down in front johnson with the phone to my ear.
"dude, what happened to you?" he winced as he examined my injured face.
"it's nothing" i brushed off, not wanting the other prisoners to hear me trying to snitch on their actions.
"there's no way that they can keep letting this happen, right?".
i shrugged, "i don't know, but honestly, i'm good".
"...okay" he reluctantly agreed. "well on a lighter note, i finally got hold of that really good lawyer in manchester".
"and what did he say?".
"that there's plenty of loopholes in your case, so he has a chance of finally getting you out of here".
i sighed with relief at his words, "thanks, man".
"don't thank me. it's wrong that one guy's lies has got you into this mess, you don't deserve it".
"yeah, well it's not up to us. is it?".
"i know, but it's frustrating" johnson added, before sighing and messing up his hair, "so, did savannah come and see you the other day?".
i nodded, thinking back to that conversation and the endless thinking that i did after i got up and left.
"but, it was pointless" i told him.
"how comes?".
"she still thinks that i did it, then she tried to say that she loved me when she clearly doesn't".
johnson dropped his shoulders, "jack, come on. that's far from the truth".
"i'm over it, man" i pulled my fingers through my tangled hair. "she can have max all she wants".
"if she wanted max, she would have had him by now. the idiot's obsessed with her".
"either way, i'm tired of feeling so lost when it comes to her. fuck being a couple, she's supposed to be my best friend and she can't even realise that i'm not some violent psycho" i said.
"i thought that i was your best friend?" he joked, causing a smile to slightly break out of my lips.
"you know what i mean, man" i replied as johnson let out a light chuckle.
i huffed out as the conversation died down, then scoffed at the thoughts in my head, "can you believe that next week will be savannah's first birthday in fourteen years that we haven't spent together?".

affair II ; jack gilinsky
Fanfictionsecond book to 'affair ; jack gilinsky'. © all rights reserved to simplyomaha - 2016/2017/2018 highest ranking: fanfiction #82