jack's pov
"hey, just let her take a breather" zayn placed a kiss on top of lauren's head. "she would have calmed down by the time she gets back".
lauren sighed, "i know but i just feel like i should be contacting her, y'know to make sure that she's okay".
everyone except tristan, sat in the living room, trying our best to get a hold of savannah.
she wasn't answering any of my calls or text, and i know that it's because she's upset right now but that's honestly what's scaring me the most.
"i can't believe that tristan would lie to savannah like that" johnson said.
"i know, what a dick" sammy agreed. "i knew that one man couldn't take that many business calls everyday".
i nervously bounced my leg up and down, helplessly looking at my phone every second to see if savannah was trying to contact me.
but nothing.
"maybe i should go out and look for her" i suggested, standing from my seat. "it's been way too long".
at that exact moment, lauren suddenly received a call. "it's savannah".
she quickly turned over her phone and held it to her ear.
"hey, where are y—...who is this?" after a second or so, she promptly stood up and covered her mouth. "oh my god. is-is she okay?".
"what? what happened?" i immediately asked just as she hung up the call. she was in complete shock and was clearly struggling to respond, that my chest began to tighten.
"savannah. she's...she's been in an accident".
without hesitation, i hurried towards the door and found the keys to the second car. i completely ignored everyone calling out my name to slow down and wait for them, and left the house.
after torturing minutes of traffic and stop signs, we quickly made it to the local hospital and headed straight to the front desk.
"hi, we're here to see savannah brooks" lauren spoke. "she was recently bought in from a car accident".
the female receptionist clicked and typed through her computer a few times.
she looked up at us, "i'm sorry. there's no one here with that name".
i pushed my hair back in frustration, "okay, well can you at least check again, please?".
but as soon as i finished speaking, the doors burst open with savannah being hastily wheeled by various doctors, in with a oxygen mask and on a spinal board.
"savannah!" tristan called out.
i rushed to her side and tried my best to keep up with the doctors wheeling her along, "savs. hey, can you hear me? what's happening? is she okay?".
"she's currently unresponsive, but we're going to take her to the icu now" one of the doctors informed me.
"okay, well i'm coming" i insisted just as they pushed savannah through the next doors, but the same doctor quickly stopped us all from following.
"i'm afraid that we can't have all of you there. family only" he told.
"her family is in a different state right now, we're all she has" johnson explained to him.

affair II ; jack gilinsky
Fanfictionsecond book to 'affair ; jack gilinsky'. © all rights reserved to simplyomaha - 2016/2017/2018 highest ranking: fanfiction #82