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*** this is the official last chapter of affair except for the upcoming epilogues!

savannah's pov

over the past few days, jack and i have been discussing more about moving back to la. and by discussing, i also mean arguing.

whenever i catch up with my friend or my family, they always have news to tell me and it just makes me feel like i'm missing out on so much, when i should be right there by their side.

although, from the way jack's been acting lately, i just don't see him being as on board as i am.

i think that it's mainly the new job part that is affecting this decision for him so much. but i get it and i just don't want to argue with him since we're just getting our relationship back on track.

i sat on the couch in front of the tv, devouring in a tub of ice-cream with a blanket over my legs. i was home alone tonight because jack worked a later shift and missed dinner for about the second time this week.

maybe i'm being delusional, but i'm scared that he's distancing himself a little after my doubts about staying in london.

i was half way through the mini tub of cookie dough when the front door opened. jack came in with a quick smile grazed across his lips.

"finally, you're home" i said, glancing over my shoulder at him.

"hey" jack came towards the couch and leant down to peck my lips.

"how was work?" i turned down the tv volume and scooted up to give him space to sit, but jack declined and started heading towards the bedrooms.

"good" he replied, pausing by the wall.

"well, there's some dinner in the oven if—".

"i'm not that hungry, so i think i'm just going to have a shower" jack cut me off, impatiently tapping his fingers against the lamp shade beside him.

"oh. okay" my shoulders dropped. "i could join you, if you like?".

"nah, i'll be quick, babe" he declined and gave me a smile before going on to the bedroom.

i knitted my eyebrows together with confusion. he's been acting shady almost all week and it's like he's not telling me something.

i don't want to push him though because it may just be stress from work or the idea of moving. but i can't just sit back and let him act like this.


i came home from work and headed straight for the couch to sit down after the busy day. there's an upcoming fashion show, so vogue was going completely crazy with preparations.

i let out a deep sigh then pulled my eyebrows together when i couldn't hear jack in the house.

"jack?" i called out and waited for a response, but nothing returned. it was almost 7, so jack should have been home from work by now with dinner prepared too.

i remembered back to this morning when he was in such a rush and he didn't stop to sit with me and eat breakfast like usual, which only made me more paranoid to what he's been up to lately.

affair II ; jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now