jack's pov
when i opened my eyes, i could barely make another move once my hangover headache kicked in.
last night was almost a complete blur, but judging from the fact that i was undressed and in bed beside nadine, i pretty much got the picture.
i cursed at how i actually ended up sleeping with nadine, when my only plan was to hang out and forget the bullshit with savannah.
but not wanting to wake her up, i climbed out of the bed and pulled on my boxers before finding the rest of my clothes that were scattered around the bedroom.
i finally reached home after a short cab ride and shut the front door then tiresomely rested my head against it.
"crazy night?".
i turned around and savannah stood behind me with a hopefully look that i would speak to her. but i just pulled my jacket off and made my way into the kitchen.
"um, i'm only back because i left my toothbrush" she added.
i chuckled at her words, "what? max didn't have a spare one at his place?".
in confusion, she furrowed her eyebrows. but before i explained, i got myself a glass of water and took a few pills to relieve my hangover.
"i saw him pick you up yesterday" i told her. "and he looked up at the window then gave me a look that practically said that he was going to fuck my girlfriend and i couldn't do anything about it".
savannah started shaking her head and pulled my fingers through her hair, "i don't believe this".
"oh, i'm sorry. did you think that i wasn't going to find out?".
"kendall and theo were in the same car - max was our only ride to work that day and well...i couldn't ask my boyfriend, could i?".
i helplessly snickered at the possible lies that just rolled off her tongue.
"what's so funny, jack?" she folded her arms.
i raised my glass to praise her, "that must have been really easy to come up with".
"you still don't believe me, do you?" savannah said, then took out her phone and quickly tapped through it.
i drank the rest of my water, before she shoved an instagram picture in my face.
"see? kendall posted this yesterday and i can prove that it's not old, because i'm wearing those pjs that you chose last week for me, because you thought the bunnies were adorable".
she tapped through her phone again and showed me another picture.
"and look at max's page; he's spending a few days at his parents' house, because his brother is getting married" she explained. "oh and if you need more proof to show that i didn't cheat on you...".
"savs," i sighed, since i was pretty convinced on what the truth was now. although she ignored me and began searching inside her bag.
"...i have a receipt from last night because everyone, including you, know that kendall and i always get donuts when we have a girls night".

affair II ; jack gilinsky
Fanfictionsecond book to 'affair ; jack gilinsky'. © all rights reserved to simplyomaha - 2016/2017/2018 highest ranking: fanfiction #82