jack's pov
the lunch with savannah and max was going pretty well to begin with - he was getting to know me and i was getting to know him. through it all, i managed to realise how surprisingly close him and savannah actually are.
i mean i had a brief idea before, but now i found out that max knows things about savs that i only know of and that he also annoyingly takes every chance he gets to touch my girlfriend.
"i'm really stressing over getting that article back from mrs carmichael" savannah explained.
max chuckled, "why? you did great".
"yeah, with your help" she reminded him.
"my help or not, you're still an amazing writer" he said and reached over to hold her hand. "you got the job and tons of other people didn't, and that means something".
i subtly cleared my throat at their hands held on the table, then focused back on my food to avoid looking too uncomfortable.
"thank you" she smiled at him, then finally removed her hand away.
"so max, have you lived in england all of your life?" i inquired, as i bit the food off my fork.
"yeah, born and raised" he replied.
"do you like it here?" i added.
he waved his hand with uncertainty, "it has it's perks - one being that i have this distinctive english accent that savannah is obsessed with" he told, putting his arm over her shoulder.
savannah slightly covered her face in embarrassment, "i am not obsessed".
"says the girl who made me say scones a million times" he laughed and she did to, whilst i was just waiting patiently for him to remove his arm.
"that was one time, max" she corrected in between laughs as she pushed herself out of her seat. "but excuse me, i need to use the bathroom quickly".
savannah stood and left max and i alone, and i watched him turn his head to focus on her every movement as she walked away.
i creased my brows at his actions, "so, do you gaze at all of your female friends' as they walk away?" i quickly confronted.
he turned back to face me, "sorry?".
"you were just staring at savs as she walked away and for the whole morning, you seem to have been struggling to keep your hands to yourself" i said, since i'd been biting my tongue for this entire lunch.
he shortly snickered, "i don't know what you're getting at, jack".
is he really this stupid?
i rubbed my chin and settled my elbows on the table, "i mean, i don't know if it's on purpose or if i'm just being paranoid, but let's just have a little less of the touching and staring at my girlfriend".
"woah, mate, you've got it all wrong" he slightly held his hands up. "look, if this is still about savannah and i almost kissing the other night, we already—".
i immediately narrowed my eyes, "you did what?".
"wait, she didn't tell you, did she?" he questioned before pulling his hands down his face. "shit".

affair II ; jack gilinsky
Fanfictionsecond book to 'affair ; jack gilinsky'. © all rights reserved to simplyomaha - 2016/2017/2018 highest ranking: fanfiction #82