Chapter 1- A New Beginning

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Emerald's POV

"Wake up." The sound of soft laughter bounced throughout the room, the loud chatter of my family made my sleepy eyes open. "Morning princess." Niall said, kissing my cheek softly. I giggled, trying to rub my eyes open.

"Morning everyone." I yawned tiredly, recalling what I did the previous night. The memories of myself laughing with Hailey and Mia while we were performing up stage in front of the whole school for the talent show made a small grin appear on my tired looking face.

We didn't win but we had fun of course. Hailey, Mia and I were bouncing off the ceiling when we were pronounced 2nd place. The 1st place winner who is a good friend of mine sang beautifully and was even given an opportunity to sing again later on this week in one of the school assemblies. Once was enough for us three, that's for sure.

"Did I mention that you sang stunningly last night?" Liam said before scooping me up and running around my medium sized room with me, almost upside down. I was laughing, squealing for someone to help me.

"Put the poor girl down Liam." Louis scolded jokingly. I could see his upside down body running over to where we are and I screamed in surprise and laughter when he tackled the both of us down. I laughed but was put to hysterics when everyone decided to get in on the dog pile.

"Why am I not surprised that I found you guys like this?" I tried my best to look up and smile brightly at the three girls that stood at my doorway with silly smiles on their faces. They were still wearing their pajamas considering that it was only about 7 in the morning.

"Morning." I managed to choke out. "Get off her boys." Perrie rolled her eyes at the complaining boys of One Direction and helped me up. I dusted off before hugging her thankfully, sticking my tongue out to the boys for almost squishing me to death.

"You love us." Harry smirked and ruffled my hair. "Sadly, I do." I sighed dramatically even hovering my right hand over my forehead. "Come on drama queen, your breakfast is ready."


"But I promised them." I pouted and gave him my best puppy dog face. "Sorry, we have to go." Zayn heave a sigh as he was buttoning up his shirt. "I don't get why I have to go." I muttered, plopping down on his bed. I had to cancel hanging out with Mia and Hailey because their management wanted us to travel down to their headquarters in about twenty minutes time. Seeing that I'm the only one ready, I don't think we would be arriving there on the required time at all.

"Management said they want to talk to you as well." He shrugged on a leather jacket and proceeded on styling his hair to perfection. I sat there looking at him boredly. "Well do you know why?" I sighed, standing up and stretching my legs a bit. He shook his head, no.

I groaned exiting the bright room and entered the next room without thinking at all. "Harry!" I whined childishly. Harry complained, grumbled and wailed with me this morning when they all got a text message from management saying that they all want us there. It must be something really urgent if they wanted everyone to come. Usually it was just the boys and we girls could just lounge around until they came back. But that wasn't the case today.

"Yeah?" I heard Harry finally call out. I didn't even notice that my feet brought me to his bed. I am currently face down on his bed, bored out of my mind. "I don't want to go." I complained. "We have to." He answered simply but there was a little agreement evident in his voice.

"I'm bored." I grumbled. "Hi bored." A smile hinted on his face. I rolled my eyes at his lame jokes and sat up after. "It's a wonder why you haven't been killed in your sleep because of your lame jokes." I giggled, trying to control my laughter. He laughed making me burst out laughing uncontrollably.

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