Chapter 15- Admiting

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Get ready for feels >:) hehehhehehhhehehehhehe Oh and please can someone message me if they can do a trailer for me? 

Chapter 15

Emerald’s POV

I could hear the screaming from the other room and it’s giving me a headache. My nose is blocked from crying and my eyes are swollen and red from the same reason. Thankfully, my ribs are not hurting as much as before but the pain is still there but now it’s at least bearable. The wounds on my feet and hands were bandaged and treated carefully, thanks to Maya.

Speaking of, she’s sitting on the floor right next to the bunk I’m lying on. She’s helped me calm down for a bit but it didn’t help as much. My outside appearance says that’s I’m okay but my inside is screaming, trashing around and trying to stop breaking down.

I’ve come to the decision that I know no one in this bus would like but if they don’t get along, I will go back home.  

Maya’s POV

She stares at the bunk bed above where she’s lying with her hands balled into fists. She’s fighting the tears that are about to spill from her weary eyes. “When are they going to stop?” She murmurs tiredly. I stroke her hair sympathetically. I’ve been itching to storm outside and slap the sense to the boys but I wouldn’t want Emerald to hear me arguing as well. I’m waiting for her to sleep, hopefully getting a good enough dream to at least take her mind away from this.

“Sleep please. Everything will hopefully be better later.” I say with determination. I’m not going back to sleep until they are talking peacefully again or at least could stand each other in one room.

She stares, a single tear escaping her left eye. I rush to wipe it away giving her a worried look. She sighs, closing her eyes.

“Okay.” Sleep has finally gotten to her considering that it’s four in the morning. I peck her forehead and then stand up to finally put an end to all this. My feet, resembling a zombie’s, are dragging my body to room outside. I yawn and stretch my arms above my head to help me wake up. I open the door with a slow slide and I know there is no going back now.

“Shut up, she’s sleeping.” I spit out harshly but carefully closing the sliding door behind me. They’re surprised that I’m still awake and even more surprised that I just snapped at them. Normally I wouldn’t, normally I’m calm and lady like but this is an exception.

“Let’s all go outside.” I say a bit calmer than before and they obey wordlessly. As we all made our way towards the darkness, I revise in my mind on what I want to say. I wanted to say a lot of things and dear God help me not to lose my cool.

My arms automatically wrap around my shoulders in an attempt to heat myself up in the cold and that’s when I could clearly see everyone’s faces. They all hold panic and sadness, Niall and Harry holding guilt as well.

“Someone care to explain what the hell is happening?” I hold eye contact with each one of them for five seconds before turning to the next person. “I’d rather you not know.” Harry mutters. I stare at him angrily before turning to Niall who’s shaking his head. “Harry has to tell you.” He states simply before silence engulfs us again.

I pull on my hair, frustrated before I exhale loudly. “We are not moving from here until someone tells me what’s going on!” Harry looks at me with more guilt written and expressed all over his face. His chin is trembling, a sign that he’s about to cry.

My features soften and I step forward and reach to hold his hand. “What is it, Harry?” I whisper giving his hand a light squeeze. My gaze falls to his bruised hand and I run my thumb over the light scratches reminding myself that I should patch them up after all this. Harry’s mouth opens but closes again as if he’s contemplating to find the right words to say.

“We’ll leave you two alone.” Liam says but before he could step inside the bus, he looks at Harry and smiles at him reassuringly. Niall also gives Harry a small smile and then closes the door leaving the two of us alone.

Harry gives me an unreadable expression, one that made my eyebrows furrow and my lips turn into a frown. “Do you want to tell me now? Or do you want to wait until you’re okay?” I ask him. He shakes his head, leading me to a rock near us that’s big enough for me to sit on. Harry paces back and forth in front of me and I look at him with an amused smile.

Harry always struck me as the dork and cute one in the group. I just think everything he does ends up being really cute. The way he’s shaking his head, muttering to himself, and slightly glancing at me from time to time looks really cute to me, even though it’s not even supposed to be cute.

“Harry? What is it?”


“I don’t think that’s an answer, Harry.” I laugh trying to get his mood to brighten up. He stops giving me a smile before he advances towards me and for some reason, my heart is beating fast, excited and curious for the information that he’s about to give me.

But I’m not the only one whose heart is beating fast. His hands guide my small ones compared to his over to his chest. His heart was like a fast drum, playing like how a cheetah runs.

“I tried. I tried really hard, okay?” His voice cracks at the end but he holds our eye contact. “Tried what?” I couldn’t help but whisper. We didn’t need to, but we just feel like we have to.

“I tried and I failed. I told myself to stop trying the minute I knew but I just couldn’t.” His eyes brew up in tears and spills over his red cheeks. I try to pry my hands off his hold to wipe the tears away but it seems like his hands were glued to mine and his still fast beating chest.

“Tried what, Harry? What’s going on?” He suddenly lets out a low chuckle. “You are very dense, did you know that?”

“Me?” My face twist into further more confusion if that is even possible.

“You look cute when you do that.” He smiles, his cheeks reddening even more than before. “Do what?”

“When you scrunch up your nose or when you blush and you try to hide it or when you randomly burp and you’re not afraid to cover it up or when strands of your hair falls from your messy ponytail and you just try to fix it, or when you smile so brightly or when you stumble randomly because you’re that clumsy or when you’re just being you, I think you’re cute when you do that and more.”

I blink in surprise, some of what he said I didn’t even realize about myself.

“You’re cute when you do those things but I think you’re beautiful in many ways too. I would list everything that makes you beautiful but it would take me forever and one day to do that.”

I stare at him with my mouth slightly parted in shock and my eyes slightly bigger than they normally are. “Please stop doing that, you look irresistible to kiss right now.”

 Author's Note

Calm down Marry shippers. Nah who am I kidding, I had to like stop and scream three times, writing this. 

I hope that is a good enough "I'm sorry I haven't update in a while because I had author's block" 

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Stay pretty my daydreamers! Unless you're a dude! Then stay handsome!



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