Chapter 5- Sick

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 Midnight Memories....omg I'm dying because they're so....I can't even explain it. I still don't have my microsoft word back :( So I really hope this is good enough


Emerald's POV 

"Ems wake up." Louis whined beside me, poking my arm but refusing to fully wake up and get up himself. "One more minute." I mumbled quietly as I slowly slipped into my dreams again. With his body blocking the way to the 'outside' world, I don't think I could go and be as active as possible. So unless he moves and gets up, I would be staying in this small bed that could hold both him and I, sleeping soundlessly.

"We have to go to work." He mumbled incoherently. "You have work to do, not me." I argued simply, snuggling to his torso, in hope that he just leaves me alone in this surprisingly comfy bunk bed. 

"Wake up Louis." One ray of light shined to my face causing me to groan and roll over to where I'm facing the wall. "Louis wake up." I recognized that the voice belonged to Niall as he tried to get Louis to roll out of bed and actually start his first day.

"One more minute." He groaned, copying my words just a mere minute ago. "Louis come on, we have to start rehearsing." Niall sternly said as I heard Louis sigh, the mattress bounced up as he got off. "I'll let you sleep in princess. It's only 6 in the morning." Niall placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, sighing before slowly drawing the curtains together to let me have my peace. 

But instead of actually going back to sleep, all my thoughts gathered around as their footsteps minimized in sound until I can't hear it at all. 

I wonder how everyone is doing back home? Have they woken up yet, ready to go and do what they do everyday? What time is it there? Being a girl who is not bothered to do a lot of things, I have never bothered to compare the time of where I currently am, to what time it is back at home. Are they still sleeping perhaps? What about Eleanor, Danielle and Perrie? Are they doing fine in that big house all to themselves? Humongous houses like that could make you feel lonely even if there are three people only living in it at the moment. How about Alex? I really hope that they take good care of him. I feel so sorry that I have to leave him yet again. He's only a small pup but what if when I come back, he grows to a much bigger dog? Would he even recognize me then? 

Many more other thoughts are roaming around my mind but I don't want to lay down here for another minute feeling miserable about the life I left in exchange for a year of touring. So instead, I rose up and stretched my tired legs out. 

"Good morning." I mumbled, finally aware that my breath probably smells like fish and that my hair is a tangled mess. "I thought I told you to not wake up yet?" Niall was surprised as I took a seat next to Liam who handed me a plate full of waffles. "After you woke up Louis, I can't sleep anymore." I shrugged. Telling them about my thoughts wouldn't be the best idea for the sake of their feelings. I don't want them to feel bad that I'm here on tour with them, missing my real life. 

Don't get me wrong, I already love the first day on being on tour with them, it's just that I miss my friends and my family. If they could only come with us here then I would be completely happy. Imagine all the things I could do with Hailey and Mia while the boys work. We could be messing around the bus, Go sight seeing, taste every kind of food known to mankind. I could do that on my own, but it's not going to be even half as fun. 

 "Emerald are you okay? You look very pale." Zayn snapped me out of my horrid thoughts. "Do you have a temperature?" Liam asked as he placed a gentle hand on my forehead then to my neck. "You're a bit hot." He sighed. "I told you going on that water splash slide then to the freezing winter world then getting frozen yogurt with almost wet clothes is a bad idea." His eyes gazed over to Harry's who wore a guilty expression. (A/N I am aware that they probably don't have those rides in Disney. They might do, they might don't but lets just pretend they do) 

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