Chapter 14- Arguments

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Guys, who knows how to create a trailer for this book? Please message me if you know so I could have a trailer for this :) Adoptiong and Where I Belong have trailers already, I'm sure we won't want World Tour to be all left alone? Right ;) Thanksssss


Chapter 14

Emerald’s POV

Waking up in the middle of the night with no blanket to protect you from the harsh cold air hitting your bare skin is a bad way to wake up. I wish that’s how I woke up tonight. Instead, I woke up to a thud on the side of the bus. If it was any other day, I would have just gone back to sleep but there’s something wrong. I could feel it in my guts. Before I could even process that it’s nearly two in the morning, I’m on my feet, tossing the comfy blanket away to the side, up and running to hopefully put an end to this.

Acting as fast as I can with my pink fluffy bunny covered pajamas that screams out innocence, I press the main door’s button and let myself out to the icy gusty night. My bare feet pad on the gravel road, the little sharp rocks scraping my soles but I pay no attention to the fact that I would be getting blisters tomorrow and continue to venture to the other side of the bus. There I see two grown men about to act as five year old children.

“STOP” I cry before one of them could throw a punch at each other. Their close white fists are ready on their sides to make some regretful damage to the both of them. I shiver in sync to the grim wind hitting me but also to what I’m witnessing right now. Goosebumps form on my arms for the same reasons. “Go back to sleep, Emerald.” Harry orders, his usual playful tone gone. “Are you seriously going to expect me to go back to sleep when I know you guys would be beating each other’s brains out?!” They visibly flinch but not one of them let their guards down.

“Please, go back to the bus. I don’t want you witnessing anything that could damage you.” Niall states not even looking at me but instead eyeing Harry angrily. It was obvious that they already have exchanged harsh words before I got out. Who knows what they could have done to each other if I haven’t woken up.

“I’m staying and putti-““GOD DAMN IT, EMERALD JUST GO BACK TO THE FUCKING BUS!” My eyes stay glue to Harry who is breathing infuriatedly. The way his body is shaking uncontrollably is one of the signs that he’s going to burst. My heart is beating out of its place and I take a few steps backwards because of how his words have such an effect on me. “DON’T YOU DARE TALK TO HER LIKE THAT YOU ASSHOLE!” And with that, the first hit flew as fast as lightning and Harry stumbles a few steps before regaining quickly and punching Niall on the right jaw.

“Stop please!” I plead, crying hysterically now. They continue to roll around the floor, throwing punches and powerful kicks but not one of them showed weakness but only more anger. I try a few more times, shouting for them to stop but when they ignored me for the millionth time, I take the matter to my own hands and try to break them apart.

Not the best idea I’ve had my whole life but it was worth a try. I’ve only realized that we’re conveniently in the middle of nowhere, probably travelling to somewhere else when the driver stopped to take a nap. I could only imagine everyone when they learn that their precious ‘Narry’ is currently throwing not only punches but insults towards each other.

I try to pry Niall who is straddling Harry but with a strong push, he shoves me to the ground and now not only my feet are wounded but as well as my hands as they slide to support my body weight, in the process the rocks and broken glass shards pierce my skin. I stand up nevertheless and quickly got in between both the boys who are now standing up, hurling punches at each other. I move too quickly for them and in a matter of seconds, I’m on the ground again, clutching my aching ribs. The punch knocked the breath out of me and also in a matter of seconds I black out.

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