Chapter 16- Talk

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Chapter 16

Harry’s POV

Has it been short seconds? Minutes that feels like days? How about excruciating tiring hours? How much time has passed since I said that phrase and when she froze, but not tearing our eye contact? Oh that phrase, how stupidly idiotic am I to say that? My brain hurts thinking of the multiple possibilities that she would do or say to me.

She’s probably trying to plot different ways to let me down slowly but at the same time crushing my heart to small unfixable pieces. Would she run, not to the bus, but just run away from me because she despises the idea of…us? Would she laugh at my face because she would think this is all a joke but soon learns that it isn’t and immediately slaps some sense to me? Or would she shown no emotion and just walk back inside?

But there’s the other hand. What if she grins at me and says she likes me back? What if she throws her arms around me and chants ‘I like you too’ right after I let my strong grip on her, loosen up? 

Countless possibilities could happen but she has to choose one that wouldn’t break me. She just has to or I don’t know what to do.

She finally breaks our eye contact, making my heart beat twice as fast as it already was. This is it. My grip loosens and she slips her hands away from my touch. My heart breaks, knowing what she’s about to say.

“Maya, I’m sor-“She cuts me off by quickly pulling me to a tight embrace. Confused, I slowly slide my arms around her waist, hugging her back the second I process the information that she’s hugging me and not running away from me.

“He doesn’t like me back, doesn’t he?” She sighs. My eyes drop low by the information. “No he doesn’t. I’m sorry.” Although I shouldn’t be sorry and rejoicing that she finally realized that Niall doesn’t like her back, I feel sorry for her. I know the feeling of not being liked back…the feeling I’m feeling right now.

“You’re waiting for my answer, aren’t you?” She mumbles against my shoulder. She tightens the embrace before letting go. “No it’s okay; I guess you don’t have to say it. I already know what you’re going to say.” I laugh half-heartedly but the pain is still there. I have to move on and I want to move on as soon as possible to lessen the pain. My attention should be on the world tour. Yeah, the tour is a perfect distraction.

She gives me a puzzled look, one of her cutest faces she makes in my opinion. Stop it Harry.

But the way her eyebrows scrunch towards each other, and how her lips would curl into a slight pout while her head would slightly turn, makes my heart melt. Seriously, stop it. You have to get over her.

And then when she unintentionally blow that one strand of hair out of her face instead of fixing it normally with a hand. That is just, wow. She’s making this really hard for me. Are you kidding me?

It’s like time stops and slows down just for me to notice all these little quirks of Maya’s. It’s not really fair isn’t it? How am I supposed to move on when time is against me? You move on and look away when time ‘slows down’. That’s how you do it, Harry. Shut up, brain.

I was too busy arguing with myself that I almost miss what she’s about to say.

“You mean, you know that I want to get over Niall and that I’m willing to give you a chance but not because I want a rebound but because I really want to see if we go together? Wow, Harry. Are you a wizard or something?”

Maya’s POV

His face is priceless, a perfect picture capture moment.

I meant every word I said and I hope, even though I made it clear that I am not going to use him, that he doesn’t take it the wrong way. Oh heavens help me if he thinks I’m just using him as a rebound. I’m not that kind of person and I would never be in a relationship where I never truly love that person.

My heart still aches of the heartbreak of learning that I have no absolute chance with Niall. It hurts because I thought I did. But now, it’s time to move on. Harry is here and maybe, just maybe, I will give him a chance when I’ve moved on from Niall, completely.

Harry’s a pretty decent guy. He could make me laugh, he can cook, he’s cute in his own way, and he’s very sweet and kind. What more could I ask for? He’s every girl’s dream guy.


Shut up, brain.

I have to move on before I’m in too deep. I have to lessen the pain and if I’m going to give Harry a chance, I have to be over Niall completely. I gulp knowing what I have to do. It’s going to break him but he has to understand. It’s going to make a couple of people inside that bus, sad as well. Unless they didn’t really like my company in the beginning…that would suck.

I turn back to reality and find myself in a hug with Harry Styles. I laugh, hugging him back. “Harry, I have something to say.” He takes a couple of seconds to let go, giving me an award winning smile. Oh how I’m going to miss that smile of his.

“I’m leaving.”

When I said it, I didn’t look at him, I looked at the ground. When I finally looked up at him, I could see tears brewing up to spill. His lips were trembling and it feels like I’m looking at a child who lost his favourite toy.

 “Not forever. I’m leaving and then I’m going to come back when I’ve moved on from him completely. I can’t tell you when I’m coming back because I myself don’t know when. It could take days, weeks or even months. I just don’t know. I can’t move on when I’m practically stuck with him in a bus all day. You have to understand that I have to do this.” My eyes plead for a reaction from him. He looks down and a few tears touch the road. I sigh in frustration that I just made him cry. I slowly approach him and give him our third hug this night or rather morning because I could now see the sun rising. This hug was different though, besides from the fact that this is not a tight hug, it lets the other show what they want to say.

“I understand.” He murmurs, hugging me back softly.

Author's Note

I am well aware that people are going to hunt me down for this.

Don't worry ;) she's gonna come back. THE LEAST EXPECTED HEUHEUHEUHEU. Okay I'm completely evil.  

Sorry this took two weeks because it was my birthday last week so I haven't got the chance to write. 

This is how I write: 

Sundays-Thursdays: I think of ideas to make the chapter (This is also school days so I'm busy) 

Fridays or Saturdays: (weekends) so I write. 

I wrote everything today. Usually, I write all the contents of my chapters in just one day because honestly, I'm the type of person where I need to get the whole thing done and not writing sections of it in different days. 

So yeah....maybe this explains how my chapters are short compared to other people's. 

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Stay pretty my daydreamers! Unless you're a dude! Then stay handsome!



Love you xxx


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