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“Is your seat belt tight enough?” Niall asks from beside me. I roll my eyes “It’s tight enough to suffocate me.” I point out. “No need to be sassy.” He mutters. It was only a few more minutes before the plane takes off to take us back home. I couldn’t be any more excited! At last, I get to sleep on my bed, roam around the house in a tank top and shorts without the fear of paparazzi and fans catching me.

The girls and Alex are waiting for us eagerly and even told us that they prepared a feast which of course made our stomachs grumble to the loudest of sounds.

“Don’t wake me up okay? If you need anything just tap Harry’s shoulder.” He motions over to the seat in front of me and I nod knowing that Niall does not look pretty when he wakes up from his nap.

Staring outside, I manage to form a small smile.

It finally ended.

Last night was the last concert for the tour and I’m not going to lie but I actually shed a few tears. I’m still confused whether or not they’re happy or sad tears. I’m happy because it’s finally done and I wouldn’t be exhausted anymore. I get to see my friends back home and I wouldn’t need to wake up early and expected to be not moody for other people. I’m happy that I finally got my wish of exploring the world, touring and experiencing different cultures. I grin widely at the memories I’ve attained. But my grin slips off as I realise that I’m going home. I wouldn’t be able to meet new people and visit new and fascinating places. I need to start school right away and I’m sure people are going to bombard me with questions about the tour. While on tour, it feels like it’s a dream. I don’t want this dream to end.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” It was Liam who asked me. He was beside Harry in front of us. I shook my head offering him a small smile. “Its fine, I’m just going to miss everything.”

“Even Niall’s random farts in the tour bus?” He tried to lighten up the mood and I crack a grin. “Yes, even that.” I’m going to miss every little thing from the tour. Liam gives me a small smile, finally turning over to prepare for departure.

Yes that’s right. The most important thing is that everything is fine right now. No fights, even Harry and Maya didn’t even look that awkward right now. Everyone is happy and that’s all that matters.

I have to say goodbye now and just hope for new adventures ahead of me.


Please read the Author's Note ------>

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