Chapter 19- Interview

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Chapter 19

 A fair warning before reading this, it's a very boring chapter but there's a detail (I can't tell what) that's going to be important in the story. 

Emerald’s POV

Before I knew it, I was inside the now familiar bus even before the birds started chirping. Our break got cut short because of their busy schedule A show constantly called, e-mailed and even texted everyone who has connections and works for the boys’ management just to get an exclusive interview with them.

Of course, this pissed them off.

“I could murder someone right now.” Harry says half asleep. I blink twice, trying to stay up. Gerard has said that there is a gas station café where he could buy us our breakfast just ten minutes from now. Niall’s head is currently on my shoulder, cramping it up badly. If I didn’t love the hell out of this boy, I would have let him stay like that while drooling all over me. But alas, we treat each other as family so the first thing I’ve done the second my shoulder started to ache was to push him off, sending him to the ground. But I didn’t let him complain because I went and lay beside him which is surprisingly more comfortable than the couch we were sitting on.

“Are we there yet?” I groan, slapping Niall’s hand away from my face. Liam places his smelly feet near my face making me crunch my face in disgust. “You guys are disgusting.” I say.

“Ten more minutes then you get your precious food.” Gerard says. “Ten minutes too long.” Niall grumbles and I nod in agreement. “Rather than complaining your sorry asses-“ 

“GERARD, LANGUAGE!” Louis shouts, quickly running over to where I am currently sprawled like a starfish and then cupping my ears with his hands. I roll my eyes, sticking my tongue out at Louis. It’s not like I’ve never heard of that word before.

Gerard rolls his eyes at the derange man before rephrasing his sentence. “What I meant to say is that you boys should be getting ready for the interview. That means smelling good and none of us had a shower yet.” Right then, Harry emerged from the bathroom looking fresh and squeaky clean. “Who’s going to use the bathroom next?” He said while drying his hair with his white towel.

“I’ll go.” Zayn went off to the bunk beds to get his belongings.

And that was how the morning went.


I agreed to accompany the boys to the studio they’re going to be interviewed in but I stayed at the very far side of the room where there isn’t any kind of camera equipment or even a slight chance that I’m going to be disturbing the interview. Gerard had to go so I quietly said goodbye, giving him a hug and a thank you for celebrating my birthday with me. His wife just gave birth and I was very happy for him and his family.

“You’re a good kid, Emerald. Take care of those weirdoes for me, eh darlin?” I grin widely, nodding my head while clutching my half eaten bagel. I wave goodbye until he’s out of the studio. I caught Liam looking at me confusingly but I signal him to wait until the interview is done.

“So, how’s the tour going?” The interviewer was a pretty girl with golden curly hair and a heart shaped face. Her name remains unknown to me because of my little chat with Gerard that distracted me from watching the interview. It didn’t matter because the interview was short and soon, the boys all hugged her, took a picture and bid her goodbye.

“Where’d Gerard go?” Liam asked. “His wife gave birth.” I smile, still happy for his plus in his family.

“Oh hello, you’re Emerald, right?” It was the interviewer but she was behind Niall who moved so I have a full view of her.

“Hello.” I greeted. It was only normal that interviewers approach me before or after the interview. They’d often ask if I want to have an interview with them but I’d politely decline not wanting to embarrass myself in front of national television. “I’m terribly sorry for cutting your birthday celebration short. I didn’t even want to do this interview in the first place because I know it’s your birthday.” She apologised.  

“Oh no, it’s fine. It was my birthday yesterday so it didn’t matter because I already had a great time.” I assured her. She still looked a bit blue but I gave her a smile to reassure her even more. “Well if you say so. I’ll be going now but thank you for the interview.” She turned to the boys who gave her a sheepish smile.

We watched her walk away from the room using the same door as Gerard. “She seems nice.”

“Anyway, I promised your girlfriends that I’m going to Skype with them so we better get to the bus. God knows how long they’ve been waiting.” Before we went, they grabbed food for the bus and a couple of beer bottles served. “Are you really planning on getting drunk on tour?” I mumble. 

“Ems, we handle alcohol well. We won’t be drunk just by a couple of drinks.” Louis says but I find it hard to believe. But nevertheless, they still carried some while I rush to the bus, enthusiastic for the Skype call. 

Their faces popped up once I hit the accept call button. Even Alex was with them. I cooed at how big he’s gotten. He barked at me and I laugh. “He misses you so much! He sleeps on your bed, y’know?” Eleanor tells me and I had a sudden urge to just get back home. Perrie sees my distress saying something that I didn’t know would be happening in a long time.

“Don’t worry though; we’ll be visiting you guys. It’s just a secret when.”

Author's Note

Okay so this is pretty short and that's because I now know what to do with this story and how to end it! It's short because I want to prolong the ending as much as possible. I love you guys so much and I just don't want to end this! I'm thinking of a book 4 but I don't have any idea what about. I'll have to think through it thoroughly.

So anyway, my vacation is super duper great! I love it so damn much! I'm here in Philippines and it's just great seeing my cousins, my whole family and all. But omg I miss wifi!

I wrote this just the other day and I don't know if that's good enough. It's just a filler chapter, nothing much going on but I promise that the next chapter has a lot more drama to it. 

I'll be going back home next week? Idk I think. But yeah, 

Stay pretty my daydreamers! Unless you're a dude! Then stay handsome



I love you xxx


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