Chapter 20- Meeting New People

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Chapter 20

“I’m telling you, the beach house is amazing! Imagine having to wake up to the best view in the whole world!” Harry rambles on to how we’re going to have the best break in tour. The best part is it might actually be true seeing that we’ll be staying in this grand beach house and an almost private white sand beach all to ourselves. Of course, we’d have to share the beach with a couple of families and people who deserve their vacation but our beach house is located farther off the others to ensure security.

We get 5 days break from tour from all the hard work they’ve been doing for the past concerts, interviews and signings. It’s also an apologetic break from management because of my birthday getting cut short. In short, the boys had requested this partly for them as well. It’s exhausting getting up every day at early morning and not getting back until midnight.

So here we were, on the way to one of California’s great beaches.   

One Direction, despite being grown men, currently portrays five year olds as they look like they’re going to soon be bouncing from their seats to the roof of the car. I am also guilty as charge as I stare excitedly out at the window with the beach almost in view. 

As expected, the beach was magnificent; looking like it was plucked out of a dream. Its white sand glitters under the scorching hot sun while the deep clear blue sea shines just as much. Already, I could see people in their beach attire either getting ready to go for a swim or lying down on a blanket, getting a tan.

Once the car halts to a stop, I push open the door whilst ignoring the voices of the bodyguards who are explaining the rules that we’ve heard a million of times, yet again.

“You need to have a bodyguard with you at all times if ever you want to go to the other side of the beach. And also-”

“Yes! We’ve heard these thousands of time already! Can we just skip to the part where we’re actually going to have fun?!” I was surprise and so was the bodyguard at Liam’s sudden outburst. The bodyguard whose name I can’t remember tried to continue with the rules but Louis and Zayn were already walking towards our beach house.

“I apologise for them.” I grin sheepishly at the bodyguard who only chuckled in response. “Go ahead then, I’ll be staying in a nearby hut with two other guards.”

The walk to the beach house was scenic. The ocean waves clashes with the beach’s sand making this melodic sound. Nature around looked untouched and I appreciate all the signs saying ‘Do not litter’. It minimizes the garbage around the beach.

Stepping on the porch of the beach house, it makes this creak and then I realised that the whole porch is made out of wood that’s normally used for stilt houses.

“Better get changed if you guys want to have a swim.” Niall says, setting his bag down. Inside the house were 4 bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and two bathrooms. It was a perfectly reasonable size for the five of us.

“DIBS ON MY OWN ROOM!” I scream before running over to one of the closest room. I open the door to reveal a beach themed room. I set my bag down on the bed and sighed. My room is beautiful, the beach is amazing but I still can’t swim. I never learned how and the boys forgot about this slight problem. I was hoping to just sit on the sand and maybe build a sand castle or two. Get some ice cream if I get bored.

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