Chapter 7- Question

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This is probably the only time I would be updating this week and maybe half of next week, sorry :(



Emerald's POV

 "I understand that you are scared." I paused as we got too close to the four other boys and Maya who were having a conversation as well. Slowing down our pace, I began talking again. "But you have to at least tell one of them." Harry and I have been bickering back and forth about him telling his undying love to Maya. I might have exaggerated the undying love bit. I don't think he is 'in love' with Maya, yet. 

"Emerald." He whined. I cross my arms under my chest, giving him my best glare. "Talking about this to another grown up is going to help a lot. Talking to a thirteen year old won't give as much effect." I said sassily. I know that I basically told him that I am a kid and that I didn't know anything about this but Desperation has taken over me. And yes, I do think that talking to another person who has went through this would help him more than talking to me. I still would like to think that I do know some if not a bit about this particular subject. 

"Yes but...." He sighs as he opens the door for me that lead to the studio. "What if they judge me?" He exhales slowly. Blinking at him repeatedly, I opened my mouth but closed it again like a fish. "Why would they judge you?!" I squeaked, bringing my hands up in disbelief. "They might think that I liked her too fast." He shrugs but I could see fear in his eyes. "Harry." My motherly tone is now showing as my right hand perched on my right hip and my left hand pointed at him scoldingly like what a parent would do. 

"They will never judge you. They're practically brothers to you! Judging you because you like Maya, who is by the way a total eye catcher so it won't really surprise anyone that you like her, would be the last thing they would ever do." I finished my not so big rant. I had more to say but Zayn dragged the both of us to the dressing room. "I don't get why you guys are so slow in walking." He muttered. "Think about it." I mouthed to Harry who nodded stiffly. 

Looking flawless in front of the media takes hours as the stylists worked on the boys, using an impossible amount of hairspray, tons of makeup which I laughed and teased them about resulting to me having to have a 'time out' at the corner. "I can't believe you're giving me a time out!" I huffed but I knew they were half joking about this and I personally find it a bit funny too. Lou gave me a sympathetic look as she finished up Niall's hair. 

"Don't worry Emerald, we'll but ice cream while they do their stupid interview." Lou said, making sure that everyone heard her. Maya nodded in agreement as she listed off all the ice cream flavors and my mouth began to water. 

"She can't have ice cream without us!" Louis whined childishly. "Besides, she can't have ice cream even if she's with us. She's still sick." Harry pointed out. "No I am not!" I protested whilst standing up from the corner I was sat at. Before the argument started to get bigger, one of the staff opened the door and called for the boys. 

"Okay what flavor would you two want?" Lou asks us after they closed the wooden door. 


During the interview, which I was so embarrassed about as they talked about me half of the time and they even tried to get me to go on stage. They succeeded on that part but I was only on stage for about ten minutes, hiding from the camera. My extremely shy mode got the best of me and I only answered with one word answers or an extremely short phrase. I went tomato red as Liam half-jokingly scolded me on stage for eating ice cream and I had to finish the cone quickly on stage.

“That wasn’t so bad for your first interview aye?” Niall chuckles and I scowl at him. “Don’t blame us if you get sick tomorrow.” Harry sings as he washes off the make-up on his face.

On stage they have to look perfect like Barbie’s boyfriend, Ken. But off stage, they’re just normal people who want to have at least one hour of normal life. They’re not perfect I admit that. They have flaws like a normal human being but that’s what makes them perfect in my eyes.

“Okay let’s go.” Paul said hurriedly as we are falling behind schedule. He took one look at me before he brightened up as if he remembered something. “Oh and your tutor would be on your tour bus tomorrow Emerald. Better get that brain of yours ready.” He said and I groaned dramatically. I have to learn from my tutor at least once a week for three hours about anything that a kid my age would be learning. I also have no idea who my tutor is and whether it is a man or a woman. But what I do hope is that he or she would be nice and not boring as a lot of my teachers are.

“What do you guys want to do?” Maya asked no one in particular but everyone had one thing in their minds. “Food.”

Getting mobbed but afterwards tasting the world’s greatest steak is worth it as everyone was full by the time dessert came. But not a single crumb of the chocolate cake was left after it was devoured. “Here.” Zayn handed me a box and my face twisted to disgust as I noticed that it was medicine. “Do I really have to?” I whined. They all nodded and even Maya did who usually takes my side whenever we all argue about something small.

“Fine.” I muttered and took the medicine. I wanted to spit it out but it was for my own good so I swallowed it and drank a full glass of water. “I hate medicine.” There was an after taste which I despise as I started to drink more and more of everyone’s water which they found amusing.

We left the restaurant fairly late because we had to wait for another hour for the girls to be forced to leave and even then, a third of them stayed. They’re very dedicated fans, supporting and some even dedicating their life to the five idiotic but the best people I call family.


"Maya can I ask you something?" I just hope that she has the right answer for my question. She looked around for a whole minute before nodding at me. I can’t blame her for looking around. The scenery at night was wonderful. It was peaceful, and calming. It’s a very busy city at day but such a beautiful sight at night.

“Emerald?” Maya shook me slightly as I started to zone out from me asking her the question. “Sorry.” I said sheepishly as I shifted positions from leaning on the tour bus to standing up straight. We were on the other side where girls who came to see the boys can’t see us. A good thing too so Maya won’t get embarrassed.

“Um, would you by any chance…..” I trailed of as I looked around for any eavesdroppers. “Would I by any chance what Emerald?” Her tone was confused and curious as to what I am about to say. My heart is starting to pulse uncontrollably and my eyes dropped to the floor as I dropped the question.

“Do you like any of the boys?”

Silence sliced through the air as her eyes widened and her fingers began to fidget and that was when I knew that I hit jackpot.


Author’s Note

And as a valentines day gift for you all…I present to you a chapter! Tada! Well yeah there’s like a cliff hanger in the end but…..TADA!

Hey be grateful I uploaded even thought I told y’all I won’t be….LOVE YOUUUUU

Idk I just feel so hyper today.

And no.

It’s not because of valentines. Congrats to all my daydreamers who have valentines! I also have a valentine. His name is food and I think we are getting along pretty well.

This chapter is pretty damn short because I can’t think of anymore things to add honestly.

Stay pretty my daydreamers! Unless you’re a dude, then stay handsome!



I love you xxx


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