Chapter 9- Love Triangle

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Hello! Just a quick note before you proceed to the chapter:

I know I’m not setting targets anymore but I would really love it when you guys comment. Just a simple smiley face would even do if you want. I notice that barely anyone comments and votes anymore just because I don’t set out targets. So does that mean you guys are all forced to comment and vote on Where I Belong? I didn’t want to force you all to do what you don’t want to do so I’m truly sorry for forcing you guys in Where I Belong to comment and vote. But 14 comments on the last chapter when there are hundreds of you guys out there? Hmmmmm

I’m sorry hehe you can proceed


Emerald’s POV

“Hello!” I squeal, waving my right hand in front of me frantically. The three of them laugh at my excitement. “We miss you so much!” They chorus all together as I begin tearing up from all the feelings I am expressing. Eleanor pouts and tells me to be a big strong girl for them and to always look out for the boys.

“I will. But I have an emergency.” I bit my bottom lip as I look around the room for anyone who might be eavesdropping but thankfully, there is no one in here but me and my laptop. The boys are still on stage doing their job as the biggest pop stars in their concert which I am now missing but I have to get advice from the love experts themselves while I have my alone time. Maya must be wandering around, looking for me so I must be quick to avoid getting caught.

“What is it Emerald?” Danielle asks. Before they could assume that something is wrong with me, I start babbling my little mouth off. Technically I am breaking my promise to Maya but I know very well that I can’t do this alone.

“Well it’s about Harry…” I trail, their eyes showing encouragement for me to continue. “And Maya…” They squeal but I stop them “And Niall.” I sigh.

“Wait what?” They wear similar expressions as they gape at me. “Harry likes Maya, Maya likes Niall and Niall likes….no one I’m guessing.” I say too quickly, hoping that they caught what I said as I don’t have the heart and energy to repeat that.

“Oh my, this is bad.” Eleanor whines. “Poor Harry.” Danielle sighs while Perrie has a thoughtful look plastered on her pretty face.

“Are you sure Niall doesn’t like anyone?” Perrie asks. I nod surely. But I could be wrong as well as I am not the most observant person in the world.

“Unless he still likes…no wait never mind.” Danielle dismisses her idea but we quickly persuade her to tell us. “Well what if he still likes…you know who.” Danielle whispers the last part as if she was afraid I was going to get angry.

“Natalie?” I squeak. Danielle nods slowly, Eleanor and Perrie looking at her with thoughtful looks and I just stared at her confusingly. “Why do you think that?” I question Danielle.

“I’m sure both Eleanor and Perrie knows what I’m talking about when I say that Niall might still like her, Emerald. Remember when she visited Niall last month?” It was her turn to ask me. In response, I shook my head no. I know nothing of Natalie visiting any of us after the incident with her mother.

“Well they talked and if you haven’t noticed, Niall changed after that. He smiles  more, on his phone all the time and he brightens up a lot.” Perrie smiles. “Could it be?” I gasp.

“It is a possibility that they are talking. Don’t get mad at Niall though.” Eleanor adds. “I’m not mad at all. If Niall likes her after all what she has done then she must have changed. For the better I hope.” I explain further more my feelings about this and by the end, I’m actually quite happy that Niall might have finally found his queen. Of course she was a villain at first in this messed up fairytale but I believe there is good inside of everyone.

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