Chapter 10- Pizza Parlor

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Emerald’s POV

Despite all the drama that has been going on this week, it has been very amusing and enjoyable and I am definitely going to miss L.A. We’re travelling by tour bus to the next destination which is New York, one of my dream cities next to Paris. It is a definite yes that we would be mobbed twice as much as we did in L.A. considering the amount of people in New York at this time.

 “Emerald! Hurry up; I want to take a dump!” Zayn whines from the other side of the door. This is completely normal for me to hear so I didn’t make any remarks as I finish freshening up. I open the door and Zayn comes rushing in, pushing me out of the way in the process. “Breakfast!” Louis calls out and I quickly make my way to the kitchen as if nothing happened.

“What’s the agenda today?” I take a mouthful of oatmeal and listen in on the conversation. “We have to rehearse while Emerald has to take her lessons.” Louis snickers as he learns that I have to take lessons again from Mr. Reeper. “He’s not that bad.” I mumble, remembering the day that he actually helped me to understand the problem that is Maya, Harry and Niall with a bonus of Natalie.

“He’s very weird and creepy.” Louis protests as I gave him a dirty look. “Not as weird and creepy as you.” I fire back. “You think I didn’t know about your obsession with purple sock monkeys?” His face pales just when I said purple sock monkeys. I found a lot of them stash carefully under his bed.

“Shut up and eat.” Seeing him blush like a bright red tomato makes me want to get my phone from Liam’s bunk and take a picture of him to post in the internet.

The morning past by quickly and soon the boys are hugging me goodbye for the day. It’s always been like this, they’re going to be doing their job for the whole day while I’m stuck here with Maya, doing things I do normally at home. It’s a bore and I want nothing more to escape and roam around, exploring the city. We would have days like that but only two or three per week.

“Morning, Mr. Reeper.” I’ve learnt not to say ‘Good morning’ in front of him. He’s very touchy against that for some reason. “Morning, Emerald.” He bids me as I lead him to our usual working spot which is the table near the kitchen.

“So what would we be doing today?” I ask him. He brought out a couple of books from his silver metallic bag and stacks them up in front of me in order from the thickest to the thinnest, almost reaching the top of my head. “We’ll be studying English literature.”

After an hour of teaching and learning, I’ve decided to ask him a question. “Mr. Reeper, what would you do if a friend of yours took liking of someone but that someone already has a crush on another someone and there is another someone who likes your friend and you promise that someone that you’ll help to win your friend?” He takes a couple of seconds to register what I just said, but I don’t blame him seeing that I as well got confused.

“Well Ms. Tomlinson that is not what we are learning today.” He scolds me but his face turns thoughtful and I know he wouldn’t pass this question.

“Imagine you have a neighbor and that neighbor has a dog.” I nod, so far I’m following. “That dog poops.” He lost me. What has this got to do with anything? “What I’m trying to say is that you wouldn’t try to clean it up for your neighbor right? That’s their job.” And with that, he bid me goodbye and left.

“How did it go, Emerald?” Maya smiles brightly, holding a plate of chocolate chip cookies. I take one and smile. “Perfect.”


“I cannot believe this is working.” I snicker as I hid my face behind the menu. Louis shushes me as a couple of teenage girls pass our table. “Our disguises are not strong enough.” Harry complains, adjusting his faux mustache. I’m wearing sunglasses and a hoodie, which definitely looks weird.

“May I take your order?” Everyone gave their orders while the waitress eyes me carefully. “Don’t you want to take your hoodie and sunglasses of ma’am?” She questions me. Liam covers for me straight away. “She’s terribly sick and she has sore eyes!” I cough out a couple of times to confirm his statement. “I’ll be back with your order.” She leaves us hastily.

“Thank you, Liam.” I laugh. Even though the atmosphere is hot and I badly want to take my hoodie and sunglasses off, I can’t because of the risk of getting caught. And who knows when we could be dining in the middle of a pizza parlor again?

Author’s Note

Hey guys I just want to tell you that I am currently editing Adoption :) I won’t be changing the important details, just rewriting it to make it look better I hope. All the edited chapters would have a date and (Edited) at the very top of the chapter. I think it would be worth checking. I currently edited the prologue and the 1st chapter.

Oh and the purple sock monkeys thing is just made up. Hehe

It’s short I’m sorry. It’s a filler chapter. Yup.

Stay pretty my daydreamers! Unless you’re a dude! Then stay handsome



Love you xx


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