Chapter 13- Messages

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Chapter 13

Niall’s POV

“Please sleep, Niall. Just talk to him tomorrow.” Louis whispers tiredly trying to persuade me for what feels like the hundredth time to take a break. I stay still and soundless on the couch, still waiting for him to arrive from wherever he went to ‘cool down’. My fists clench and unclench as the memory of Emerald crying herself to sleep haunts me. It surprises me still that he could do such thing to her. She refuses to tell me anything, blubbering about how she’s sorry about everything that she has done.

“I have to talk to him.” I state simply saying nothing more. He hesitates but finally takes the hint and leaves me alone to wait.

I don’t know how many minutes or maybe even hours has passed but I begin to feel drowsy, and I almost fell asleep if not for the slam of the door. I jump, my eyes landing on a swaying Harry. He’s holding onto the walls for support and I being the person I am, got out of my seat and rushed over to help him. It was obvious that he got his ass drunk undoubtedly to temporarily get away.

“Hello, Irish.” He hiccups. With an arm around his waist and the other desperately trying to steady the both of us, I guide him over to the couch where hopefully I could get some answers. But my luck isn’t on my side today –obviously- because of the fact that Harry hit deep sleep once he got comfortable.

“Great.” I mutter, making my way to the bunks. I would have to question him later and hopefully when no one is around.

I slowly slide the curtains to my bed aside and exhale loudly. Careful not to wake Emerald, I climb in next to her. I brush her hair out of her face to let air travel more efficient to her cute button nose. My phone dings and I take it out mentally thanking myself for putting it on silent beforehand. I smile seeing a text message from her.

Natalie: Hey, everything okay there?

Me: Yeah.

Natalie: As if I believe that Horan. Come on, spit it out. I’m a good listener :) Well in this case, a reader.

Me: Haha very funny Nats. But how’d you know?

Natalie: Harry is all over the news :/ you guys didn’t know?

Me: Oh great. Just damn great.

Natalie: Hey, don’t be overly upset about this. Everything is going to be okay.

Me: I don’t think so…

Natalie: Why? Is it that bad?

Me: Harry kind of blasted on Emerald. We still don’t know why tho.

Natalie: Listen…I know I’m not really the person to say “Oh damn, he shouldn’t have done that!” Because well…the past. (I’m still very sorry about that! I’m trying my best to make it up to her) but I’m here if she needs anyone to talk to just let her know that. And also, Harry is a sweet guy especially to Emerald, he has to have a reason for his behavior. Gently talk to him first. Don’t go all king kong on him. Okay?

Me: Fine.

Natalie: Promise me first. I don’t want you going to jail now.

Me: Okay I promise, cross my heart, hope to die.

Natalie: Promise with your pinky finger! –Holds up pinky finger-

Me: Yes I promise –connects pinky finger with yours-

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