Chapter 24 - Goodbye

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Chapter 24

I sit up almost immediately to search for the person who disturbed my nap. I wince, the pain of sitting up too fast blinding me for a second and making my head spin. I loathe the person even more as I realise how good my dream was going and as my headache falls, I think of different ways to kill this, said person. I stand up slowly, careful not to wake up Alex. I’m confused as to how he still remains peacefully asleep.

As I was going to shout at the person for disturbing me, he beat me to it “Is anybody here?” It was an unfamiliar or so I thought. Because of my slightly sleepy state, I immediately thought of a burglar or a creepy old man who just happens to like entering someone’s rented house by the beach.

Panicking, I grab the nearest ‘weapon’ which happens to be a pen that was lying around the table and a pillow to protect myself.

“Emerald? Where are the oth-AYE WHAT THE HELL?!” He shouts after I threw the pen with all my might as I hid my face behind the pillow. “I’LL PAY YOU WHATEVER YOU WANT JUST DON’T HURT ME!” I scream hoping to attract some attention. I finally took a peek at whoever it was I was having a lovely conversation with to see one of the bodyguards looking at me as if I was some strange creature. The pen that I threw at him rested a few feet away. I slowly place the pillow on the couch, grinning shyly at the bodyguard who hasn’t spoken at all.

“Good afternoon. What can I do for you?” I cough out, awkwardly looking at him who only raised an eyebrow in response. “I was going to ask where everyone is but you decided to throw a pen at me. Great weapon of choice by the way. Totally going to scare away a real thief.”

“Yeah, yeah no need to be sarcastic. I was half asleep.” I pout. Remembering the first half of his answer “I don’t know where everyone is. Before I took a nap, I noticed that they were all gone as well.” I shrug. “Well we need everyone to be here in an hour. Turns out that your vacation is going to be cut short.”

“Wait, what?” My voice was filled with sadness and disappointment. We were supposed to be here for another day. “Sorry Emerald, but it turns out that they’re going to be needed in an interview for tomorrow.” For a second he looks like he felt genuinely sorry for us but quickly masked it with a stern and professional face.

“We leave tonight. Do you have any idea when they’re coming back?” As if on cue, the door opens and the room fills up with chatter.

“Oh hey mate, is everything okay?” Liam says as he sees the bodyguard. I must have looked depressed because everyone looked at me with concern before turning to the bodyguard. He tells everyone the same exact thing that he told me. “Seriously?” Niall groans, falling back on the couch I was napping on.

“Yeah, the bus would be ready to leave tonight. Please pack and get ready before then.” That was the last thing he said before leaving us in the house. “This sucks. I was looking forward for tomorrow as well.” Louis mutters. “Sulking won’t do anything guys, come on lets get to work.” Maya says.

I’m the first to move towards my room. Alex woke up somewhere in the middle of the discussion and is now following me to my room. I close the door after me, still unhappy about the news.

I pull my baggage from under my bed and put in on top of it. Zipping it open but then stopping half way as I realise something.

I’d have to tell Gavin about this.

Instead of continuing unzipping and packing all my belongings, I rush to open my door and out the house. But before I could step foot out the front entrance, someone’s hand stopped me from running out.

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