Chapter 22- Things that you can't unsee

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Chapter 22

Harry’s POV

Today marks the third day we arrived for the vacation and so far, it’s been crap for the past two days. Yesterday, Emerald did not even spare us a glance and spent her whole day somewhere. This of course angered our security but they couldn’t do anything about it because it will make our situation worse.

We’re all worried sick but at the same time, we couldn’t get ourselves to apologise because we simply can’t see anything wrong with how we reacted. Yes, maybe we did over react just a little bit but we’re just looking after her. That day she came home crying broke my heart and I cannot bear to see that over again. She’s something fragile.

That is why we have decided to go to a highly recommended pub Liam was talking about at the first day of this vacation.

We enter the pub, the loud noise greeting us. Everyone’s chatters were silent against the loud bass of the music. I nod to the bodyguards to assure them that I wouldn’t be doing anything stupid tonight.

Niall grabs my right arm, quickly rushing me over to the bar. He hastily orders something strong and when the bartender nods and turned around to prepare the drink, Niall groans and falls back on the bar provided for us.

“Niall mate, it’s okay.” I had to shout in order for him to hear what I said.

He looks at me with sudden anger. “Did you hear how she defended him?! It’s as if they were long lost buddies! Christ, if the same thing happened to her over again I will kill that boy.” Something tells me that he was telling the truth so I quietly agreed and didn’t bother to tell him what I’ve been thinking of.

I’ve been thinking that what if she was actually telling the truth. What if they are JUST friends? That would look like we’re just asses for shouting and not trusting her. Actually, we might be because there is a fifty-fifty chance that she is telling the truth.

I groan falling back on the chair beside Niall. He was grumbling something under his breath, things I couldn’t hear because of the loud music playing over everything else. Maybe it’s a good thing I couldn’t hear what he’s saying. Judging from what he looks like; a murderous look, hands balled to tight fist, I don’t think I want to know what he’s grumbling about.

The bartender slides over our drinks and we both caught it in time.

“Cheers mate.”



That’s what I feel right now.

I stumble across the pub to get another drink for myself but the bar seems so far away. Yet, my drunken mind is determined to reach the ‘holy’ place and drink some more.

When I finally reached the bar, I heaved myself on one of the stools provided. I made it twirl around before smirking to a hot looking bottle of wine.

I think I’d have some of those next. But before I could order some, a hand touches my shoulder and spins me around so fast that my sight was dark for five seconds, feeling like I want to empty my stomach.

“Wha’ d’you do that-fur?” My accent was heavy and even I could barely understand what I’m saying. Facing me is a person, a girl to be exact. She looks at me over, nodding to herself as if she was proud that she found me.

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