Chapter 18- Happy Birthday

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Emerald's POV

It's an understatement if I said that my birthday was one of the best I've had. Today tops every single day that I've breathed through and that doesn't say much but today really does.

It wasn't like the cliché were we go to an amusement park and rode the biggest ferris wheel, or where we go to disney land and meet Mickey Mouse. The day was simple. But simply, amazing.

They took a day off and fortunately for us it was for three quite days.

The morning started out like this:

My sense of sight is unfortunately cut off by my sleepy mind but the other's, particularly my hearing, is well functioning.

Whenever you close your eyes and all you can see is darkness, right? But darkness in your eyes has many different colours, according to your surroundings of course. For example, when your surroundings are pitch black, all you can see is black, right? And if it's sunny morning and once you close your eyes, you can see a brownish colour, right? I can't be the only one who sees different colours when my eyes are closed.....

Like now, all I can see with my closed eyes is a brown-yellow colour. I could guess with just the colour that it's early morning and the smell of pancakes confirms my suspicion.

I hold back my smile as I hear the sliding door, quietly being open from outside of the room. Clutching the soft pillow provided for us, I shift to face the wall so even if I mess up and smile, the wall is the only thing that could see me. Nevertheless, my acting skills works every time.

"Quite, man."

"Well I'm sorry if the bed wanted to stub my toe."

"Shut up, you two."

I felt the weight on the edge of the bunk deepen and a hand reaches and shakes my shoulder in an effort to 'wake me' up.

I decide to be stubborn and effortlessly give a convincing whine while shooing the hand.

"That's pathetic, let me try."

I could feel a hand travel down to my neck and waits for a second before softly tickling me. Too bad for them that today wasn't my ticklish day.

"Really? Wow, just let me wake her up."

As I prepare for another of their 'brilliant' ideas to wake me up, I mentally embrace myself for the worse when one of them laid down beside me.

"Happy Birthday."

I bite the inside of my cheeks to stop my laughter which worked but it was my eyes that betrayed me. They opened, my body turned to face them and I immediately hugged, Liam.


They all shout, ending with adorable grins. I let go of Liam and he lets me out of the bed. I give them long hugs, saying whispered 'thank you's' every time. By the end of the hugs, I have tears streaming down my face.

"Why are you crying? Aren't you happy?" Zayn asks worriedly as he attempts to wipe all the tears away but new ones would replace them in a dash.

The truth is, I have always woken up in my past birthdays and no one would greet me. Except for Maya but she can't be with me the whole day because of her duties for the orphanage so I would often spend my birthdays alone. And before the orphanage, I'd spend my birthday being a maid, like any other day. I have a feeling that I would never experience any of that ever again, and that makes me....happy.

"I'm just glad, these are happy tears!" I laugh. "Well no more tears today because it's your birthday!" Niall says before grabbing me on the waist and carries me over his shoulder. I yelp in surprise but laughs, already enjoying the day and I haven't even eaten my breakfast.

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