Chapter 12- Pathetic

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Chapter 12

(Ps. I want all of you to comment all your feelings towards this chapter. About 100 comments would be good to read ;) )

Emerald’s POV

With my strange dream, still in tack with me, I’ve been a little distant towards them. It didn’t help that they are the sweetest most caring people in the world either, always giving me souvenirs when they finish a concert or an interview. I wasn’t complaining though, considering that I now have a signed t-shirt from Daughtry. My favorite song at the moment, waiting for Superman, is beautifully sung by them.

“She’s talking to angels, counting the stars. Making a wish on a passing car.” I hum, watching the cars go by. Red, white, blue cars pass our large tour bus without a glance. They would think that it’s just another bus carrying passengers because in this year’s tour, they have decided to have an all-black tour bus for maximum stealth mode.

“Are we there yet?” I sigh, taking off my earphones that are blaring; yes you guessed it, waiting for Superman. It has so much sentimental meaning to it you can’t just possibly let go of it the first time you hear it. You have to keep on listening to it to get the hidden meaning of the lyrics but because I could relate to it very much with everything that has come about in my existence, I already worked it all out the first moment I heard the chorus.

“Do you see a big studio?” Maya asks me quizzically. I take a glimpse over to the tinted window. “As a matter of fact, yes I do.” She neatly puts down the book she’s been reading the whole day today but I could see that she is still in the middle of it. “Then yes, yes we are.” She dismisses herself to personally waking up the boys and that leaves me alone in this medium sized room. I shrug, popping the earphones back in again.

I sing the rest of the song, forgetting that I’m not the only one in this vehicle and that the walls are as thin as paper. Clapping erupts after I sang the last note. I shriek and jump up from my cross legged position, glaring at everyone who was cheering and wooing. “Like fathers, like daughter, I always say.” Niall says with a grin, his accent thicker due to the fact that he just woke up. He said this while walking towards me and ruffling my hair. “You don’t say that, Niall.” I tell him with tinted red cheeks as the fact that they just heard me sing registered in my brain. I barely sing and it would always be to me when I do.

Before they make any more of their compliments, I rush them to change to something decent. I don’t think everyone would like it if they went out in just boxers. Excluding the fans of course.  I could already imagine them having a heart attack as the boys come in their interview with only boxes.

“Good afternoon.” Everyone looks like they were on a line as One Direction came through the doors. They looked very professional and ready to set up whatever it is needed if it’s not already settled up. Maya waves me over to the side and I follow timidly. “This place is so huge.” She whispers once I’m standing beside her. We watch as the boys did their jobs. You could see that they are honestly very dedicated to their job and wouldn’t dare to do anything that would ruin their reputation as some artist already did to theirs.

Fans would come here and there, probably VIP but I could see some who are not wearing any passes and I inwardly laugh at how amazing these girls are.

“So what would you like to do while they’re in there, transforming into real life Kens?” Maya asks casually but I had to hold in a laugh. I shrug, letting her choose what to do. We ended up on the snacks table creepily eye raping the food that is laid out.

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