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Hey daydreamers! I'm guessing because you're reading this, that means you've finish my whole Adoption series and I just want to say that I'm eternally grateful! Even if I say thank you a million times, that's not going to be enough because I owe everything to you all! 

Even though Emerald's journey ended, it doesn't mean that mine did. <--- Yes, I realised that Emerald had enough adventures to tell her grandchildren.

But please don't abandon me! I'm starting a new series and I've already put up the first book

These are the details: 

The series would be called 'Reversed Roles' (You guys would learn why its called that as you progress through the story. It's not really hard to figure out why though...) 

The first book is called 'Beauty, Roses and Attitude' (This book is up now and I've already got the first chapter in wattpad as well! If you like it, please add it in your library) 

Guys, please give this new series a chance. I know you all love the boys and Emerald and if you like them, then I'm sure you'll love my new set of characters. So go over and check out my new book as soon as you guys finish reading this author's note

Remember, I love you all so much and I hope you all still continue being my daydreamers!

Stay pretty my daydreamers! Unless  you're a dude! Then stay handsome!

Love you xxx


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