Chapter 23 - Frustrations

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Chapter 23

Emerald’s POV

This is gold. Pure and utter gold.

I look, as everyone tries to explain what is happening but without revealing the fact that Harry slept with someone last night. Not just sleeping as in sleeping next together and the only contact they made is through cuddling but no, the different kind.

I have no idea why they’re trying to cover up though. Shouldn’t they be telling the girls what really happened instead of covering for the half naked Harry? Must be the bro code and all.

I then watch as Eleanor grabs the first aid kit from Louis and then kneeling on the floor but first brushing the glass shards away so she won’t injure herself. “Does it hurt?” She pouts, looking at the wound. I shake my head to say no. The pain was only a slight sting so it’s not something to panic about.

“I swear to God, we leave her to you guys, thinking that all of you would take good care of her but then what the hell is this?! This is not taking good care of her!” Perrie scolds everyone, pointing at the wound which shouldn’t really be a big deal anyway but it is to them.

 Maya butts in and says “If I knew this was going to happen, I shouldn’t have left.” Her voice wavers for a second while looking at Harry but then she turns away as fast as light.

I wince, gripping my shorts when Eleanor suddenly pulled out the glass shard from my foot. “Should’ve warned me first.” I look down at my foot that is currently being bandage. “You would’ve complained.” Eleanor laughs as she finishes up.

The whole time, the boys were looking at each other unsurely. I could feel the tension in the hallway and as much as I enjoy looking at them being afraid and confused, I’d rather eat remembering that I haven’t eaten breakfast yet. Besides, Alex is beside me looking as cute as ever but he grew a lot. I’m disappointed that I didn’t see him grow but I’m happy now that he’s here beside me.

“Can we please eat?” I ask, petting Alex on the head. I tried to stand up on my own but failed to do so, so Liam helped me by grabbing my shoulders and steadying me until he was sure that I can walk.

While I was half way down to the kitchen with Alex beside me, I heard Danielle say

“You all smell like shit by the way.”


“That is just the best of the best of all the timings I’ve heard of.” Gavin tries to fight off the smile that was reaching his face. “Yeah, I know right. Who knew that they were going to visit?” I kick the sand beneath my feet, watching as it sprays all over the area. “Do you think they’re going to get their asses kicked?” I ask him, looking at my bandaged foot.

“Probably.” He shrugs. “Oh, and Emerald?”


“Cute dog by the way.”



Harry’s POV

I literally fucked up big time.

I wince, remembering flashes from last night. It was a good night; I’ve got to admit that though. I’m not going to lie to myself that I didn’t enjoy even one bit of last night whether if it was from the bar or in the room. Everything I felt was good and I can’t deny that, but the aftermath is always what everyone despises and when everyone realises that maybe it wasn’t such a good idea and maybe saying ‘fuck it’ is not a good thing to say at certain situations. People start realising their mistakes and they want to change the night all over again when the headache from the hangover comes, when a baby bump arrives, when you are left alone stranded somewhere and in my case, when a fourteen year old girl walks in on me sleeping with a random girl and when the girl I like arrives just minutes after.

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