Chapter 8- The Tutor

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Sorry I took very long, Writer’s block :(


Emerald’s POV

I sat silently, staring at her with wide terrified eyes. What came out of her mouth is what I expected the least. Heck, it wasn’t even an option 5 seconds ago. My whole body shook as I smiled at her weakly. Afraid of what everyone would think, I have decided that I shouldn’t tell anyone about what I have discovered.

“Please don’t tell him or anyone.” Her eyes scream with plead. I nod, agreeing with her as I prepare for the worst possible outcome if anyone finds out about this. I draped both my hands around me to try to stop them from shaking so much. “Are you cold?” Maya asks as she stood up, helping me up in the process.

“Let’s go inside.” She whispers, looking around for any fans that have managed to get out of the boundaries that held them and us apart. I obeyed silently and went in the bus first. There, I was greeted by five exhausted boys. My eyes widened as I saw Harry and I immediately felt very sorry for him. But I covered it up quickly with a smile before rushing towards the bunks.

“This is bad.” I groaned as I pace back and forth the small room like part of the tour bus. “This is so bad.” I squeaked as I grab a fistful of my hair, pulling at it a bit.

“Emerald?” Jumping from where I was stood, I let out a groan as I bump at the corner of Liam’s bunk. “Yes Harry?” He came in, closing the door after him in a rush. “Are you okay?” He asks me first and I nodded unsurely.

“You look pale. Is your fever coming back?” He questions me as he took his right hand and placed it on my forehead to check if I do have a fever. I push his hand back gently. “I’m not sick, I’m just tired.” I lie to him and I even threw in a fake yawn. “Okay go to sleep then.” He kissed the top of my head and left the room just like that. Or so I thought before he popped out again.

“You better tell me what’s bothering you tomorrow.” He says as he grins at me. I gave him a nervous laugh and he chuckled back, closing the door.

“Why do you have to fall for the wrong person?” I groan, falling back to someone’s bed.


I woke up realizing what I am about to face today. I could possibly hold back from telling him by avoiding him all day or I could even lie if possible. Lying is not a skill I practice often and I certainly am not a gifted person who is instantly good at something I don’t use often.

Realizing that I am still wearing my yesterday’s outfit, I quickly got out of bed that was surprisingly empty. I take a look at the clock and I begin to hurry up my process of collecting all what I need to go freshen up seeing that I overslept and it was now eleven o’clock. They probably have a gig going on today and I can’t wait where to head to next.

“Good late morning!” I chirp, taking a seat next to Louis in front of the mini television. He offered me to share his bowl of fruits which I happily shared with him. I smiled nervously at Maya who was talking to Harry. He looked at her adoringly and I feel very sorry and ashamed even that I can’t help him.

“Wait I can!” I exclaim but almost immediately put both my hands over my mouth. “You can what?” Louis asks. I fumbled for an appropriate answer when Liam came into view with a strictly looking man who looks like he’s already in his 50’s.

“Emerald, this is Mr. Reeper and he’s going to be your tutor for the whole tour.” Liam introduced my tutor to me and I stood up and smiled politely at him. “Good morning Mr. Reeper.” I said. He adjusted his glasses and stared at me with a blank expression on his face. “It is not a good morning Ms. Tomlinson. It is simply an everyday morning. I could have been having a bad morning so you can’t simply change that by saying the overly used phrase ‘good morning’. So instead of saying ‘good morning’ I rather you say ‘morning’.” And with that he headed over to the bathroom, leaving everyone in shock.

“I’m going to be stuck with him for a year?” I question Liam disbelievingly. Liam smiled at me reassuringly. “He’s not that bad and he is one of the most qualified people out there.” He answers me. “Ms. Tomlinson?!” I hear Mr. Reeper call me and I presume that everyone in this bus and in the second bus heard him.

“Coming!” I shouted back with as much force as him. “Good luck.” Louis whispered and Liam glares at him making him burst out in laughter.


Mr. Reeper, besides from being a bit crazy, is actually a great teacher and is a very deep person. I’ve learnt more life lessons from him than the actual work we were supposed to be doing today. At the end of our session today, I think I know what to do about Harry’s situation.

I can’t tell him whatever Maya told me because she made me promise not to tell anyone but I can’t lie to him when we talk. So instead, I am simply going to tell the truth. What could go wrong?

“Ready to tell me now?” Harry asks, placing the cup of tea on the table. Another day has passed and everyone is getting ready to go to bed. “I’m sorry Harry.” I apologized first. “Its bad news isn’t it?” He sighs. I didn’t shake my head no nor yes. I just stared at him with my most concerned expression.

“I can’t tell you. She made me promise.” I mumbled, twiddling with my fingers. “You don’t have to tell me the details, you just need to tell me if it’s good or bad.” His voice grows raspier every word uttered. “Before I tell you if it is bad or good, I want you to know that I will help you no matter what.” I say sternly and I’m not lying when I say that. I will help him win over Maya.

It can’t be that bad right?

I mean, I only need to get Maya to fall out of liking Niall and to fall for Harry right?

Author’s Note

So her tutor is based on the character in Fault In Our Stars. Remember the author Hazel and Augustus visited? He was a bit crazy right? So why not have his craziness in Mr. Reeper? Speaking of the book, NO SPOILERS PLEASE! I AM IN THE MIDDLE OF READING THE BOOK AND PLEASE NO SPOILER! Ps. I almost cried in class when I got to like chapter 20.

AGAIN I AM TERRIBLY SORRY FOR A SHORT CHAPTER I SERIOUSLY DON’T DESERVE YOU GUYS! I haven’t uploaded in a long time and then this is what you guys get?! I am so sorry! L I have a terrible writer’s block and I can’t get any inspiration from anywhere!

I am so sorry L

Oh and that plot twist though ;)

Stay pretty my daydreamers! Unless you’re a dude! Then stay handsome!



Love you xxx


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