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Tomorrow is the day that I, yours truly , officially make Ja'Kendra my wife, again I am happy that she agreed to starting over with a clean start.

I'm just ready to spend the rest of my life with this girl that gave me 2 beautiful kids that I love waking up to in the morning.


Tomorrow, tomorrow is the day that Chad becomes my husband once again y'all might not believe me but he did a complete 360.

A year ago he was throwing alcohol all over me, disrespecting me in front of our son and cheating on me on multiple occasions.

Out of all that I forgave him because he gave me two beautiful kids, he is my best friend that makes hella mistakes because he is human, just like everyone on this earth.


Tomorrow is my best friend's big day, I am so happy for her that her and Chad can get started on a new path and raise a beautiful family.

I am still pushing through even though I am not in my best mood, My mom called me. I haven't heard from her since she got locked up when I was about 8.

I can never forgive her and my little sister for what they let happened to me to get money and I know I have to tell August, this is something I thought I buried but maybe I didn't after all.


Tomorrow my little sis that I have grown to love so much over the years and my brother are tying the knot.

Ja'Kendra and Chad are my aspirations in life for me and Paris. One day I want to commit to Paris and give her a vow that I will stand by her side 100% through the good, bad and the ugly.

Me and Chad fell off for a little but he never stopped being my brother and now we stronger than ever and nothing will ever stop us from wedging apart.

Right now we at my dude bachelor party , we ain't turning up too much because we not wake up in time to make it to the altar.

We decided to chill at the bar of the strip club and just talk about him getting married again.

"So wazzam? You excited about the wedding bro?"

"Hell yeah! I know that I wanna be with Kendra for the rest of my life no fucking doubt, she gave Raylan and Kayden.

"They are the best thing that has ever happened to me, I wake up every morning I got to work and grind hard for them to give them what we never had growing up manye."

"I feel yah."

I know exactly where Chad coming from when my brother, Mel was alive we sold rocks to pay the bills and ma dukes didn't approve of the shit we was doing.

Chad parents already kicked him out and he was leaving with me. Mel had his own place with Chandra and the kids.

"August get your ass out!"

"What you mean ma?"

"I told you and Chad to stop shipping and dealing that shit in and out my house " she grabbed my face

"August that voice of yours can take you so many places but you just going down the wrong path still, I have done all I can for you and I won't continue to be disrespected by you."

"Ma , where I am gonna go ?"

"I don't know Aug but you made your bed and now you have to lie in it , straight like that."

I went in my closet and took all my shidd out and put it in my duffel bag , charging towards the door .

"I love you August."

"No you don't cause if you did you never abandon your son and I don't love you. Bye ma"

Me and my mom have became close again and I regret putting her through that and now that I have a son and if he was  going down the same path.

I wouldn't abandoned him I would help him do better. But my mom did all she could for me and I don't blame her for my bullshit.

"Cheers to the man who will be married to the woman of his dreams, and I have a little surprise of my own so cheers!" I rose my glass up

"Cheers my nigga'"


I have been so out of it and just been reminiscing on my past for these couple days I have been down here with Kendra and I wished I was more focused on her right now.

I just need to vent before I explode and I can't vent to August because he is out with Chad.

"P" Kendra said snapping her fingers in my face

"Yea yea wassuh..."

"What's up you just outta of it , you're my maid of honor we suppose to be turning up bitch!"

"I'm sorry I just have a lot on my mind , can we talk?"

"Sure." we walked upstairs and went in Chad and Kendra room

"So what's up cause we not doing this all night bitch..."

"umm my mom called me from jail..." her jaw dropped

"Are you serious?"

"Yes , she called me telling me that I need to move my sister to LA with me and August and help her start a life." tears swelled in my eyes

"When has she ever cared about me , its always been about Jasmine and now after 16 years she is calling me asking for my help because she "heard" I was doing well , financially." all the tears started to fall and Kendra hugged me.

"Its okay P because guess what?"


"You have a family with me, Chad and August. You created your own family and it's your job as a mom to give Anthony the love and support system that you never had."

Kendra was right, I did find a family within her. Her mom and Dad took me in when I had nothing, no family, no friends and no money.

After my grandmother died I was broken and I built myself up, finished high school, went to college I did all that with no help.

I busted my ass to pay off loans and tuitions and I never want Anthony to feel what I felt growing up, which is feeling alone, helpless, and defenseless.

I hugged Kendra because without her I don't know what I would've done.

"I feel a little better with getting that off my chest and venting I needed that and now let's focus on you cause yo ass getting married tomorrow, so lets get shit faced and turn up , one time for the one time."

"Now that's what I like to hear!"

We walked out the room, peeked in on the sleeping kids in the room, they were slump asf. Then we went downstairs and got a little turnt up.

Still Riding |BOOK 2 *EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now