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5 months later


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!" We all singed to Nova

Today is my babygirl 1st birthday. My kids are growing up so fast already. Anthony is almost 2 years old and he can walk a little and he can talk clear as day, I feel old.

Me and August helped her blow out her candles as Trent recorded. Everyone cheered as we blew out the candles.

Ken waddled toward us and took a picture. August picked up Anthony and we took more pictures.

I know y'all wanna know what's going on with all our lives right now so let's find out.

Me and Trent are officially a couple, we became so close and I just love being around him he makes me happy. My kids like him, I'm just extremely happy right now.

I never thought I could be truly happy without August but I can honestly say I'm happy with where I'm at in life at the moment.


I was dancing with Tott and Nova. They are really enjoying themselves. My baby is getting so big. Brianna smiled at me as I played with the kids.

Me and Bri are dating, but we aren't living together. We not ready for all that yet, Bri puts a smile on my face all the time and I can see myself with her.

I got over Paris and we just doing what's best for our kids at the moment. She dating Trent and I have no problem with that I wish her all the happiness in the world with him.

Brianna came over and joined me and the kids. I pecked her lips and we enjoyed the babies.


"Kayden please sit down, Chad get your son before I lose my marbles." I rolled my eyes

I am so annoyed all the time . Maybe its just hormones. I am 5 months pregnant with a baby girl! Another boy in our family we couldn't be happier.

This pregnancy has been harsh for me cause first of all its the summer time so its hot, I'm fat I can't fit my clothes and I'm always throwing up.

Me and Chad are still happy and together. August and Paris are my bestfriends and i just wish they were together right now.

Still Riding |BOOK 2 *EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now