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2 Months Later


Christmas just passed and it's finally new years and our baby boy birthday. Our little man is one and on top of that we are expecting a babyeh guh'.

I told Paris it was gona be a girl. She is now 5 and a half months pregnant. Today we throwing Ant a birthday party so we bout to get up and clean up.

I went to the bathroom and hopped in the shower. When I got out I wrapped the towel around my waist and brushed my teeth and goggle. I went to wake Paris up. I kissed along her neck.

"Baby time to wake up. We got allat' to do today."

"5 more mintues baby please." she pleaded

"No baby it's already 10 o' clock." she hopped up as best as she could

She went in the bathroom to take a shower and get herself together. I went and grabbed some drawers outta my draw.

I slipped them on and then grabbed some Nike sweats until i was ready to get dressed foe today.

I went in Anthony room and he was just sitting in his crib with his pacifier in his mouth. When he saw me he tried to use the rails on his crib to pull hiself up to me. I picked him up and kissed his cheek.

"Happy birthday little man!" he started clapping

"You getting big little boy..."

I put him on some sweatpants and took him to our room so he can see his momma. Paris was looking in the closet for something to wear with her towel wrapped around her.


I was looking for some to wear today , August and my baby walked in room. I looked at them and smiled. I grabbed Anthony from August.

"Happy Birthdayyy To Youuuuuuuu!" he was laughing and clapping

"Happy Birthday Anthony , how old are you fat man."

"Say one!" Aug said

I gave Ant back to August so i could get dressed and so we can go to Party City this morning and get this day started. I picked out a jean shirt and some light ripped jeans.

I hurried and combed my hair down from my wrap . I put on some light makeup and the slipped on my shoes.

I walked in Ant room and August was getting him ready, he was wearing his gray polo long sleeve shirt with some skinny jeans and his wool 12s. We got his polo customized to say King on the back in black.

"You can go get dressed baby , I will finish getting him dressed."

He gave me Anthony and went in the room to get dressed. I sat him down and went in his jewelry box to get his chain that had his middle name on it.

After he was fully dressed I took him downstairs and poured him some milk and let him sit in his playpen and watch cartoons.

I went upstairs to see if August was ready to go yet. I seen him and he was putting on his rolex and he looked like he was almost ready so I packed up my black MK purse.

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