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I am so confused right now. I thought Paris mom was dead and she really didn't have any family but her grandma, which passed away. But I guess that's false.

Shawty didn't have to lie she could have just told me. But we will handle that later. Paris got back in the truck and I opened the gate so Paris could come inside to talk.

I got Ant and I went to unlock the door when Paris grabbed my arm.

"August I'm so sorry, can we talk later?" she said

"Whatever you say Paris."

We all went inside, me and Ant went upstairs and I fixed him a bottle because he was hungry.

He drunk his milk and was falling back to sleep so I let him hold his bottle and changed him into his night clothes, I changed his pull up and laid him his in crib . I kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight little man..." I shut off his light, and cut on his dim lamp.

I closed the door and went in my room loosing my tie and rubbing my hand through my hair , tired as hell from my day.


"What are you doing here mami?"

"ahhh sweetie you're married?!"

"Engaged , stop tryna change subject what do you want?"

"Fine , I want 5,000 I need to pay someone back."

I rolled my eyes of course she wants some money from me, nothing has changed about her or Jasmine and I just want to keep them outta my life, for good.

"No I'm not giving you any money at all. I'm done with you."

"You are such a little bitch I raised Jasmine to be an amazing woman but you were just a mistake." Tears came to my eyes.

"Get out! Get the fuck outta my house." she raised her hands

"I hope that man leaves you and takes that baby of yours..." she rolled her eyes , looking down on me.

"You're worthless..." she said

I pushed her out the door and all the tears came crashing down. Y'all just got a sneak peek of what my life was like with her in it, the only thing missing is Jasmine.

I was sobbing so bad and I couldn't bare the pain I was feeling, do you now how it feels for your mom to tell you that you are worthless and a piece of shit.

August grabbed me and pulled me into a secure hug, I'm guessing he heard. I cried onto his shoulder he was my support system through all this and I feel so bad that I haven't been honest with him about everything in my past.

I calmed down a little and my head was laid back in August lap , while he stroked my hair, he was relaxing me.

"Do you wanna explain what's going on Paris , because you just had a complete meltdown." I sighed

Still Riding |BOOK 2 *EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now