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I appreciate all the support I'm getting from this story, I'm happy to continue writing and continue to comment and vote❤️


I'm so glad August is here with me and he was able to be here for Nova's birth. We are still in the hospital after 2 days and today I'm being discharged. August is up and walking and he feels so much better.

"Baby you ready to go?" August asked as he grabbed my PINK duffle bag.

I nodded my head. They sat me down in the wheelchair and sat Nova's carseat on top of me as they rolled me out.

Mama Shelia took Anthony to our house and we bout to go home now i'm so ready to see Ant i missed him. 

The ride home was filled with silence, so I just laid my head against the window and drifted off to sleep.

After feeling like I was just drifting off I felt August tapping me awake.

"Baby wake up we home..."

I grabbed my duffle bag and waited for August to get Nova out the car and bring her in with us.

I unlocked the door and walked in the house. I sat my bag down on the coat rack and took my shoes off.

Nova was asleep so August took her up to her room. I walked to the kitchen and seen Mama Shelia cooking up something that smelled o so good.

"Hi Mama." she turned around and smiled

"Hi baby, you look so drained."

"I am actually, where is Anthony?" I asked

"He taking a nap , we been at the park all morning." I nodded

"Imma head upstairs and take a nap." she turned off the food and start packing it up and putting it in the fridge.

"There is food for y'all, I know yall asses is lazy and never have a home cooked meal. I have to head back to NOLA tonight..."

"I have to get the girls for Chandra." I nodded and she hugged me

"Get some sleep babygirl, AUGUST!" he jogged downstairs

"Wazzam ma?"

"Come give me a hug boii I'm leaving." he came and hugged his mom

We walked her to the door and gave her , her suitcase.

"Y'all be safe , I love y'all."

"I love you too Mama, thanks for all the help." I said

"No problem baby, y'all take care of my grandbabies and keep in contact." she kissed our cheeks one last time and August walked her to the Uber waiting for her.

I went upstairs and grabbed the camera to vlog a little bit. We really haven't had time to show YouTube love in a while with me being pregnant and my family coming back causing hella drama.

"Wassuhh y'all , its your girl Paris and I'm back here with another vlog, I know I have been gone for a while..."

"I just had my baby girl and so now I'm back and we are surely bringing more videos on our main channel and plenty of vlogs on this vlog channel, so go head subscribe to both."

Still Riding |BOOK 2 *EDITING|Where stories live. Discover now